Welcome to another episode of the Regulators on SEO Dojo Radio! This week Terry, David and Steve hosted "the Regulators" SEO and Social News Hangout covering Ebay Penalty:Panda or manual?; The Panda Panic!; SEOs sued over breaking Google Guidelines; Twitter wants more video; SEO data doesnt match Reality; indirect SEO benefits of guest posting; content based SEO strategy will eventually fail and more!

Here's the video version (podcast is below that);


Show Notes

Ebay, Panda or manual?
The Panda Panic:the risk of Panda (for public companies) and a poll at polldaddy.com andGoogles Panda 4 tells the future of search And sugarrae.com
SEOs sued over breaking Google Guidelines?
Twitter wants more video
SEO data doesnt match Reality
indirect seo benefits guest posting
content based SEO strategy will eventually fail

iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!