Josh Gellers is an associate professor at the University of North Florida. His work spans animal, environmental and artificial intelligence ethics and law. He is a research fellow with the Earth System Governance Project and is a Fulbright scholar. He is Author of “Rights for Robots: Artificial Intelligence, Animal and Environmental Law” (open access!).

Full show notes are here:

In these Sentientist Conversations (subscribe!), we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”. Sentientism is “evidence, commitment & compassion for all sentient beings.”

Our conversation is also here on YouTube.

We discuss:

Seeing the impact of climate first hand in South Florida
Spanning “hard” and social sciences, rights, ethics and law, animal, environmental and artificial intelligence… inter-disciplinary
Sophia the robot and non-human entity rights
Growing up in a culturally Jewish household, with a mix of conservative religious and more secular liberal perspectives
Doubting religion from an early age
How could there be an omnipotent, omniscient, all-loving god when there is so much suffering?
Seeing examples of sexism and societal shaming within orthodox religion
Kosher laws as historic public health recommendations
Exposure to Buddhist animal ethics in Sri Lanka (living with spiders)
“Other ways of knowing and worlding” and pluralism
Wanting to say there are certain universals, but hesitating to say “I have the right way”
Guilt and consciousness about how to be in the world
Learning, respecting, humility, open-mindedness, compassion
Doing the above without slipping into a relativism that allows the powerful to oppress others
Critical environmental ethic with underlying pillars: Compassionate, resilience, sensitivity to the needs of others – ground rules as a safety net vs. relativism
Needlessly causing harm isn’t compassionate, whatever your cultural norms
People who care about people they know and people who care about people they don’t know
And more... Full show notes are here:

Josh is @JoshGellers and his home page is at

Sentientism is “Evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings.” More at Join our “wall” using this simple form.

Everyone interested, Sentientist or not, is welcome to join our groups. Our main one is here on FaceBook.

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