In these Sentientist Conversations, we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

Stijn is a physicist (phd), economist (phd in progress), animal activist, rational moral philosopher (another phd) and an Effective Altruist! He co-founded and is president of EA Belgium. He’s currently researching economics at the university of Leuven.

We talk about:

Academic activism
God not saving Stijn from swimming classes
Martial arts, Star Wars & eastern/Buddhist philosophy (chi, forces, accupuncture, telekinesis, telepathy)
Retaining a sense of awe, wonder & connection within a naturalistic worldview
Ecocentrism/biocentrism as intuitively attractive, but as Stijn’s biggest moral mistake
Ecosystems can’t suffer & “Gaia doesn’t care”
The risk that ecocentrism often really reflects a human aesthetic judgement, not genuine altruistic concern for other sentients
The moral salience of wild animal suffering
The “don’t play god” rule against intervening in nature is a reflection of human values, not altruistic concern
Are the most important moral questions actually the simplest?
The value of thought experiments in solid morality - treating ethics like physics
In ethics as in physics, we shouldn’t arbitrarily make exceptions
Nihilism & its association with a materialist worldview
Outgrowing a “puberty” stage in personal philosophy
Moral uncertainty
Life project of finding fundamental moral principles. Starting with 8, then 5, now 3: 1) Universal application / categorical imperative; 2) Avoiding unwanted arbitrariness (e.g. discrimination, exceptions, revelation); 3) Relative preferences (~utility / well-being / preferences)
Religious believers are atheists in every other religion
Starting from rights & working back to derive sentience as the moral qualifier (makes no sense to apply rights (e.g. autonomy / being used as a means) to non-sentients as they have no interests or needs to protect)
We can grant rights to everything, but they can only be breached for sentient beings!
Sentience/flourishing/suffering as the full range of simple & rich qualitative experiences, not just basic hedonistic pains & pleasures
How every other interest or preference (e.g. freedom/autonomy) can be assessed through their impact on the quality of sentient experience
... Find the full show notes here.

You can learn about Stijn’s work here: & he's on Twitter here @StijnBruers.

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