Kyle ( and is Adjunct Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Queen's University. His research is in social & political philosophy, & in animal & env. ethics. He teaches normative ethics, metaethics, bioethics, business ethics, cyberethics, the philosophy of law & critical thinking. He is the author of "Wild Animal Ethics".

In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?” Sentientism is "evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings." The video of our conversation is here on YouTube.

We discuss:

0:00 Welcome

1:22 Kyle's Intro

- Catia Faria's ( dissertation on wild animal suffering

2:25 What's Real?

- Growing up Roman Catholic. Attending catholic schools. Believing in god.

- "I didn't like being Catholic. I found it very restrictive... I didn't like having to pray - it felt fruitless"

- Ethics was being thought about but "I didn't like the conservative values" e.g. abortion, contraception, sex

- "It just struck me as false."

- Catholicism did leave the impression that it's important to think about morality

- Majoring in philosophy

8:25 What Matters?

- "Morality is objective"

- "Even relativists behave like morality is objective... why would you argue unless there were some right answer?"

- Even under objective morality duties vary by context

- Moral objectivism doesn't have to imply moral realism

- Consistency, coherence, flourishing, co-op as potential groundings

- Goods (welfare, resources, health, relationships), functions (distribution, efficiency, increases) & constraints (respect) values

- "I don't know if pleasure always wins out"

- Pluralism within Sentientism

21:15 Moral Scope? Sentience

- Anthropocentrism, Sentiocentrism, Biocentrism, Ecocentrism

- Sentientism as Sentiocentrism & Naturalism

- Sentiocentrism itself implies naturalism. It conflicts with many supernatural/religious worldviews (e.g. soul as basis for moral value, use of science to assess sentience)

- Hard cases of marginal sentience (brain injury, foetal development, simplest animals)

28:27 The Journey to Sentientism

- Taking a PhD animal ethics course taught by Will Kymlicka based on Zoopolis

- Concluding that "Sentience is the correct criterion for inclusion in the moral community"

- Pluralism re: various goods. But sentience is a condition for the non-welfare elements to count as good (e.g. health only matters if the being cares about being healthy)

- "Veganism is a moral requirement if sentiocentrism is right"

- Going vegan during the PhD. Cutting out animal products over 8 month transition. Finding social support

- And much more. See YouTube or

Sentientism is “Evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings.” More at

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