Sandra describes herself as a vegan foodie, content writer & editor and wife on a mission to empower others to make small, meaningful decisions & actions that will help make the world a better place. She is co-host of VEG Networking Canada, a place where plant-based & vegan companies connect & collaborate. Sandra is the author of the book “Vegan Marketing Success Stories“.

In Sentientist Conversations we talk about the two most important questions: “what’s real?” & “what matters?”

Sentientism is "evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings." The video of our conversation is here on YouTube.

We discuss:

00:00 Welcome

01:15 Sandra's Intro

- Filipino-canadian

- Literature, PR, marketing, writing

- Meditating: "This booming voice came to me... & said you're vegan now & you'll always be writing"

- Sandra's "The Content Doctor" business

- Writing "#vegan Marketing Success Stories"

03:41 What's Real?

- "A very #catholic household"

- Catholicism in the #phillipines due to #colonisation by Spain

- 13 years of Catholic school

- Church every Sunday

- Sermons: Fundraising & "We don't really welcome gay people" #homophobia "Two of my best friends had just come out"

- "That was the last service"

- "I never did believe in heaven & hell... metaphors"

- "I do believe in an afterlife"

- "There's a problem with the whole [Catholic] institution"

- Intuition & connecting to past ancestors "they're giving me signs... still here & watching over us"

- Why do colonially imposed religions retain such popularity?

- The Filipino disapora, challenging colonial restrictions, reclaiming indigenous practices (e.g. tattooing)

- Joining #nxivm... later discovered to be a dangerous #cult "If it feels painful - move towards it!"

- A clear image from a recently deceased grandfather

- Being guided by a deceased cousin in Montreal

- "From the little I know of #quantumphysics physics this is all very possible... that's why we have #ghosts "

- "The big bang... earliest atoms... that's my definition of god... the creator"

- "The potential... of love... we all come from stardust"

- Risks of religious & spiritual beliefs

- Scams, cults, crystals, alt-medicine, #antivaxx 

- "Critical thinking caps" & #redflags 

- #Conspirituality podcast. #Yoga #wellness #spirituality 

33:46 What & Who Matters?

- "Be a good person as much as you can vs. just being consumers"

- "I did not care very much for animals"... now vegan

-  Documentaries: "Watching #earthlings ... hit me really hard... stop eating meat"

- "As soon as the idea of becoming vegan hit my brain... this is it!... it took me 11 years"...

...and much more. Full show notes at

Sentientism is “Evidence, reason & compassion for all sentient beings.” More at Join our "I'm a Sentientist" wall via this simple form.

Everyone, Sentientist or not, is welcome in our groups. The biggest so far is here on FaceBook. Come join us there!