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Dr. Alex Reed is a clinical psychologist who specializes in the assessment and support of neurodevelopmental diagnoses across the lifespan 

Alex and I are both contributors in Dr. Becky’s goodinside community- a movement and platform that we really enjoy supporting. Alex and I have so many sideline conversations about neurodiversity and are constantly sharing resources and posts that speak to our souls— they usually have to do with finding ND affirming care. So I invited Alex on today because she does most of her work within the more traditional DSM-medical model, so she can give us more insight into that lens… but more specifically, I invited her on because she and I have both been hearing about how many parents leave this process-their evaluation, their diagnosis with a referral to therapies they aren’t sure about, or they leave with more questions, or they leave feeling icky. 

I’m hoping Alex can peel back some of those layers for us today so we can understand a bit more about the process and the quote unquote system– and more importantly, what’s within our control as parents if we can ONLY access those services through “the system”- what are our options to help our neurodivergent kids thrive as they are? 

Find more from her on instagram @dr_alex_reed

Sensory Detectives BootCamp Waitlist
Episode transcript:

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