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One of the big topics I talk about and something i joke will be written on my tomb stone one day is “Sensory is behavior” i’m always trying to reframe the debate “is it sensory or is it behavior?” because everything that we’re noticing our kids do is a behavior, but what parents/teachers want to get to the root of is “is this kid doing this thing on purpose or is it out of their control?” 

So what I try to reframe for them is is the behavior being driven by a sensory trigger- OR is it being driven by something ELSE. And that something else can be cognitive disabilities, learning differences, need for connection, communication differences etc- and while I always call those reasons out, I rarely get to dive into those and unpack it, because I heavily talk about all the ways sensory can impact learning. So today we get to hear more of the “other” reasons that behavior might be happening.

Caitlin Greer Meister is the Founding Director & CEO of The Greer Meister Group, a New York City-based private tutoring and educational consulting practice that specializes in content mastery, cognitive flexibility, resilience, and academic independence. She is trained in the Orton-Gillingham approach for teaching students with language-based learning differences and has extensive experience working with gifted learners and supporting neurodiverse students. Caitlin has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Parents Magazine, New York Magazine, Real Simple, WWD, and more

Follow Caitlin on Instagram @caitlingreermeister or visit for more information.

In this episode, you’ll learn: 

What a profoundly gifted student is and some early signs you might noticeExamples of how you can meet your gifted child’s needs at home and outside the classroomWhen and how you should advocate with your child’s teacher about their different learning needs Why you should be talking to your child about the way their brain works

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Sensory Detectives BootCamp Waitlist
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