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Welcome to the 100th episode of the sensory W.I.S.E. solutions podcast! I'm so excited to celebrate this milestone with all of you. In this special episode, I'll be reflecting on our journey so far and sharing some of my favorite episodes and key stats from the past 100 shows. You’ll also get to hear from my 6 year old, Lilliana who shares her perspective on neurodiversity and gives some advice to any kids with similar support needs out there. And she'll even read a few pages from my kids book, “A Kids book about neurodiversity”! Thanks so much for listening and supporting the podcast throughout its first 100 episodes. 

Here's to many more insightful discussions around sensory processing and neurodiversity.

Episodes we talked about:
>>What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
>>Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensory Sensitive Profile
>>High Threshold: Sensory Seekers vs. Low Registration
>>Neurodiversity and interoception with Kelly Mahler, MS OTR/L
>>The ABA Therapy Controversy
>> Why Is Your Child Acting Out? Uncovering 'The Gap' in Behavior
>>Why your child is a picky eater, and when to seek help.
>> The Number One Reason Your Kid Hates Hygiene Tasks
>> Bed time battles: Practice strategies and when to work with OT, with Dr. Tina Bryson
>> Is it Sensory or Is it Behavior?
>> Having a mixed threshold child
>>Using “sensory layering” to enhance nervous system regulation
>>  How to Get Started with a Sensory Lifestyle in 5 Easy Steps
>> Proprioception: What is it and How does it Support my Child?
>> Making the most out of OT services
>> When sticker charts backfire
>>How to Talk to Your Child About Their Neurodiversity
>> Accommodation vs. Exposure for Sensory Kids

Sensory Detectives BootCamp Waitlist
Episode transcript:

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