Hello and welcome to the Sense-making in a Changing World podcast. I’m Morag Gamble and this show is hosted by the Permaculture Education Institute . 

Join me each week in conversation with leading ecological thinkers, activists, authors, designers and practitioners to explore 'What Now?' What IS the kind of thinking we need to navigate a positive and regenerative way forward, to myceliate possibilities, to explore what a thriving one-planet way of life could look like. My guests offer voices of clarity and common sense.

In this episode I am speaking with the wonderful Poppy Okotcha -  a qualified permaculture designer based in Devon - an ecological home grower, forager and home cook - passionate about ecological local community food systems and forest gardening.  She is part of the Grow Share Collective and tends a 5 x 30 m edible and medicinal forest garden next to her home.

She loves creating, tending and learning from edible and medicinal spaces that are sustainable, nourishing, beautiful and useful and wild. 

Poppy is a sought after speaker at events and festivals and writes widely about her love of plants and gardening. She’s been featured on BBC Gardeners World and cohosted the Great Garden Revolution on Channel 4.  She also has an online course about wild gardening.

Coming from a modelling background - a rising star in the London Fashion scene - on the catwalk with the likes of Vivienne Westwood - she has presence and popularity that I am so delighted she is bringing to the world of permaculture.

It was just so great to speak with Poppy - she loves permaculture thinking, designing and plants as much as me! 

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This podcast is an initiative of the Permaculture Education Institute.

Our way of sharing our love for this planet and for life, is by teaching permaculture teachers who are locally adapting this around the world - finding ways to apply the planet care ethics of earth care, people care and fair share. We host global conversations and learning communities on 6 continents.

We teach permaculture teachers, host permaculture courses, host Our Permaculture Life YouTube, and offer free monthly film club and masterclass.

We broadcast from a solar powered studio in the midst of a permaculture ecovillage food forest on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi country. I acknowledge this is and always will be Aboriginal land, pay my respects to elders past and present, and extend my respect to indigenous cultures and knowledge systems across the planet.

You can also watch Sense-Making in a Changing World on Youtube.

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