Previous Episode: Keep Smiling - MWM#7
Next Episode: Life Goes On - MWM#8

Hello and thank you for joining us on todays episode!

This week we are diving into the elephant in the room. The corona virus.

2020 was a year that saw many challenges at home and around the globe. We have all had to face challenges whether it's been self quarantining, isolation, wearing masks, missing loved ones and not getting to spend special moments together. It has also challenged our health as we needed to find new ways to stay healthy during shut-downs.

In challenge comes change and hopefully we all are able to make positive changes in our lives to make it through this period of time.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

1). Why we think it was important to make this episode about YOU and hearing your feedback on how the corona virus has impacted your life.

2). How the virus has challenged the way we think about fitness and migrating online to find helpful information and motivation to stay healthy.

3). Why we are finding out that our senior population has been prone to go through more isolation more so than any other generations even before the corona virus arrived.

4). What are some of our predictions on how the virus has changed us for the log haul and how we will feel about being out in public or in crowds.

5). How our "7 Day Custom Workout Plans" have really helped those around the world in providing structure and motivation to stay healthy during these challenging times.

6). How the isolation has affected Meredith and her passion for teaching her senior classes as lockdowns throughout the area have been enforced.


Thank you again for joining us on this episode. We felt it was important to finally discuss the corona virus and how it has challenged us and changed our lives for the long haul. But what we also want to hear from you. How has your life changed and how have you adjusted?

Please share with us on Facebook or contact us on our website and let us know how you have overcome your own challenges. We'd love to hear YOUR story.

Til the next episode!

Team Meredith

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