Episode 14: Senders Receive host Jennie Hinchcliff discusses books about mail art!

Suggestions from SR listeners resulted in a fantastic list of books to be discussed (now and in future episodes!) For Episode 14 Jennie reviews “The World of Donald Evans” (Wally Eisenhart), “45 Years of Fooling Around With Anna Banana” (Michelle Jacques), and the listener suggested “Hand Illustrated Postal Envelopes” (David Swales).
about: Donald Evans
see the exhibition: 45 Years of Fooling Around With Anna Banana
Hand Illustrated Postal Envelopes by David Swales
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The Senders Receive intro/outro music is titled "Successful"; the musical artist is Keetsa. This track is used as per the artists Creative Commons usage statement, which can be found here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/