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No matter the amount of experience you have as a sales professional you can always benefit from improving your selling skills. My guest on this episode of #SellingWithSocial is Jennifer Darling. She has been in sales and sales management her entire professional career. Her proven track record of increasing sales, profits, and productivity at media affiliates for FOX, NBC, CBS, and Comcast make her an ideal person to provide help in this area. In this conversation we talk about dealing with fear effectively, mental and physical preparation for sales calls, overcoming objections, stabilizing the sales cycle, and more. You don’t want to miss her simple but effective tips, so be sure to listen now.

This podcast is being brought to you by The 10th Annual AA-ISP Leadership Summittaking place this April 3rd - 5th, 2018 in Chicago, IL. Register Now by using the Vengreso only discount code "Leadership1095" for your deeply discounted rate. Do Common Fears Hold You Back From Connecting With Prospects?

When it comes to becoming successful in sales there's nothing new. The same obstacles we faced in sales during our early years in the profession - fear, objections, and the difficulty of making sales contacts in the first place - continue to be a challenge throughout our careers. In this conversation, Jennifer talks about the need to deal with our fears effectively and provides a number of actionable tips you can apply right now to overcome it. She highlights strategies for overcoming the fear of rejection, beating the fear of interrupting people, and destroying the fear of being sleazy or salesy. If you apply what she shares on this episode you'll soon get past those fears and increase your sales skills exponentially. Be sure you listen.

Avoid the Typical Fluctuating Sales Cycle

Jennifer says, it only takes one year of experience as a salesperson to recognize that the sales cycle ebbs and flows based on what's happening during the year. She believes sales numbers and contacts with prospects typically wane during November and December due to the holidays, followed by a continued lull in January when planning and strategy are at the top of everyone's priority list. Then panic mode hits in February and calls are made at a furious pace, only to be followed by less calls being made due to the increased number of customers that came from February’s flurry of calls. This all-too-common cycle does NOT have to be true for you. In our conversation on this episode, Jennifer shares a very practical, common sense approach that will enable you to avoid those fluctuations and the decrease in income that comes from it.

This podcast is being brought to you by The 10th Annual AA-ISP Leadership Summittaking place this April 3rd - 5th, 2018 in Chicago, IL. Register Now by using the Vengreso only discount code "Leadership1095" for your deeply discounted rate. Athletes Warm Up For the Game. Why Don’t Salespeople?

When you first pick up the phone to reach out to a prospect lots of things are happening to you both psychologically and physically. Your palms may sweat, your breathing may be irregular - it's the natural nervous reaction all of us have when something important is on the line. Something Jennifer shares in this conversation is this: As important as sales calls are, we don't typically prepare for them with equal seriousness. And she doesn’t only mean mentally, she also means physically. On this episode, Jennifer shares ideas for both kinds of preparation that you can apply to your sales call routine and benefit from immediately. Don't miss it.

Be Proactive About Objections - Bring Them Up Before The Prospect Does

Every sales training program out there includes training about how to handle objections. Jennifer says the most effective way she has found is to be proactive about them. In most cases, you know exactly what your buyer's objections will be focused around - time, money, or doubt. It's your job to know how to respond to those areas of concern in ways that put the buyer’s mind at ease. But even more importantly, Jennifer says you shouldn't wait for the buyer to raise the objections, you should bring them up yourself. When you acknowledge their concerns before they do it shows them that you understand their situation. Listen, learn, and apply and see if you can apply any of her suggestions..

Outline of This Episode [2:47] Jennifer Darling’s journey from media sales and marketing to running her own consultancy [6:06] Common fears that hold salespeople back from having conversations [12:58] The unhealthy sales cycle and the power of consistent activity [17:26] Jennifer’s best tips about how to get ready to make sales calls [24:08] Creating a wants VS needs list during your sales calls [29:23] How objections can be dealt with effectively [34:45] The pitfall of pausing too long when you receive an objection Resources Mentioned Jennifer’s website: Jennifer on LinkedIn Jennifer on Twitter @therealjdarling Jeffrey Gitomer Certified Advisors Mario’s video: The Rule of 10 Jennifer’s all time favorite movie: Christmas Vacation Social Business Engine Podcast - Bernie Borges

The 10th Annual AA-ISP Leadership Summit - April 3-5, 2018 - use the code “Leadership 1095”

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Join Mario at The 10th Annual AA-ISP Leadership Summit - April 3-5, 2018 - and use the code “Leadership 1095” to get a Vengreso-only discount


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