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For the first time ever on the #SellingWithSocial podcast, my guest and I address how sales organizations can identify and build relationships with channel sales partners to drive sales. This topic is of increasing relevance in the sales world because over 75% of world trade flows indirectly, through channels other than direct sales. My guest, Jay McBain is one of the thought leaders who is enabling sales organizations to get their channel sales strategy in place and running effectively.

Jay leads Forrester's research and advisory for global channels, alliances, and partnerships. He focuses on B2B marketing in a time when the customer is more educated and well-informed than ever before. His expertise in understanding and navigating the complexity of multiple routes to market came to the forefront in this conversation, so be sure you listen to understand how he suggests sales leaders develop an effective channel sales strategy.

Channel Sales Partners Are Where 75% Of Your Business Comes From

Depending on your industry it may not be entirely true that channel partnerships dominate your revenue streams. But it will be. Worldwide, 75% of sales revenue is coming through these partnerships, and it’s only going to increase as time goes on. If you want to get ahead of the game by developing a powerful channel sales strategy for your organization, you have got to hear what Jay shares on this episode.

Jay explains how sales leaders need to create and provide contextual and relevant content to channel partners to accelerate the indirect sales process. He also tells you exactly how to go about identifying the channel partners who will be of the greatest benefit. You'll hear Jay's detailed description of the technology infrastructure required to build and support channel relationships. Be sure to listen!

You Have A Better Chance Of Influencing Buyers Indirectly

We all know that the internet is becoming a noisier place every day. The chances of reaching buyers through direct outreach are not nearly as promising as doing so through a channel partner. Why? Because in most cases, channel partners already have the attention of your target audience. Their influence on your behalf could make buying decisions much easier and faster. That’s something sales organizations need to take full advantage of.

Take the time to listen to this conversation. You’ll hear Jay explain the step by step method he uses to identify top channel partner candidates in an industry, how he reaches out to them, and what the results are of doing so. The education I received in this episode is going to help my team accelerate the creation of our own channel strategy.

There Is No Way You Can Get Into All The Sales Conversations Happening

Many of the conversations happening around the subjects that your product or service solution provides are happening without you. Buyers are researching solutions for themselves, asking friends for opinions and recommendations, and listening to influencers who address the issues they face. Out of all those contexts, the influencers are the most important for your consideration. They could be the channel partners who help you accelerate your sales cycle and secure conversations with buyers.

Your job as a sales leader is to develop a comprehensive strategy that takes full advantage of the individuals and organizations that are already influencing sales conversations. You need to know who they are and how to build relationships with them that lead directly to sales for your organization. Listen to hear how Jay recommends you identify and connect with those potential channel sales partners, on this episode.

Want To Build A Channel Strategy? It All Starts With Your Buyer

To identify potential channel partners you need to consider a day in the life of your ideal buyer. Jay suggests you narrow your focus to three specific questions...

What do they read? Where do they go? Who do they follow?

When you are able to answer those questions specifically you’ll be able to start identifying the places and people who influence them the most. Then it’s your job to build genuine, helpful connections with those people or organizations. You’ve got to get into the sphere of influence of those companies and individuals and provide genuine value to them.

That’s just the tip of the channel partner strategy iceberg so be sure you listen!

Outline of This Episode [1:14] Introduction to Jay and the topic for today: Global channels and channel selling [6:30] What have global channels been such a blind spot for most sales organizations? [8:18] How you can use indirect channels to get your buyer to choose you [12:42] Do channel sales partner relationships change when it comes to tech products? [19:47] The 3rd stage of sales and marketing [25:10] How to put together a channel strategy that works [31:48] What are shadow channels? How can you influence them? [41:48] Why you’ve got to look broader to find the influencers of your customers [43:01] How to break through the competitive attitude between direct and channel sales Resources Mentioned Get to know Jay (his blog on the Forrester website) Jay on LinkedIn On Twitter: @JMcBain Forrester The channel software tech stack Jay mentioned Salesforce Sales Navigator LinkedIn’s Elevate BOOK: The Tipping Point Jay’s favorite movie: The original Superman with Christopher Reeve Modern Marketing Engine Podcast - Bernie Borges Connect with Mario! On Facebook On Twitter On YouTube On LinkedIn

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