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Do you have the best strategy in place for building a long term sales relationship with your prospects and clients? When was the last time you updated or audited your approach? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from sales and data expert Joshua Tillman as he walks through his tried and tested process. Joshua founded DialSource, an engineering firm dedicated to changing the way modern enterprises communicate. In 2009, DialSource launched its flagship product: a full-stack CRM- native solution designed to seal the gap between business and consumers through analytics, automation and customization. At’s 2013 DreamForce conference, Dialsource was placed on the list of “30 Most Powerful Apps” on the Salesforce AppExchange. In recent years, Tillman and DialSource have continued to gain recognition for their role in shaping the modern telephony industry. Don’t miss this episode as Joshua delivers valuable information that can help sales leaders like you succeed!

Cold Calling and Building a Sales Relationship

Often in the sales community the question is asked, “Is cold calling dead?” Does this time tested practice still have a role to play in today’s marketplace? Can it really help to develop a long term sales relationship? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Joshua as he elaborates on why he believes that the cold call is dead but remains convinced in the power of connecting with sales prospects over the phone. In his opinion, Joshua explains that the amount of tools to research and connect with a prospect before a phone call effectively eliminates the role of a cold call. Listen to this episode as Joshua expands on this topic and shares how sales leaders like you can leverage data to your advantage!

Using Data To Develop a Sales Relationship

What information does your sales team utilize to build rapport and start to develop a sales relationship? Do they need additional tools at their fingertips to connect with prospects or clients in new or fresh ways? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Joshua talks about his process and why the right data can make all the difference. Joshua breaks down why it’s vital for your salespeople to vigorously research personal data and leverage that information to connect with your prospects. At the end of the day, it all comes down to creating a conversation rather than driving a product pitch. How can you implement the tips and insights that Joshua shares? Discover more on this powerful episode!

Actionable Intelligence

What is “Actionable Intelligence” and how can it help you serve your clients and sales prospects? Actionable intelligence is what Joshua and his team use to describe data they’ve collected on how to connect with their sales prospects in an effective way. Their goal with this data they’ve collected is to know what information they need to have on hand when they connect with clients so that they can enjoy an accurate and intelligent conversation. Joshua explains this process further and shares how leaders like you can start your own approach on this episode of #SellingWithSocial - don’t miss it!

The Ultimate Goal: Building a Sales Relationship

What is the ultimate goal of all your systems and processes? Is it to have the most volume of clients? Is it to have a highest profit margin? What if you shifted your thinking to focus on building sustainable and long lasting sales relationships? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Joshua describes the motivation behind all the systems and data that he and his team have developed. Joshua is convinced that when salespeople focus on serving their clients well and take the time to build the relationship, it will end up with a sizable return on their investment. How can this shift in mindset impact your approach? What would it mean for your business and your relationships with your clients? Discover more about Joshua’s story and the lessons he has to share on this helpful episode!

Outline of This Episode [1:05] I introduce my guest, Joshua Tillman. [2:00] Joshua shares his story, the cliff notes version. [4:30] The life of an entrepreneur and learning from failures. [9:00] Key components of success. [14:00] Is the “Cold Call” dead? [16:00] Info sellers should have when placing a cold call. [24:00] Utilizing info from calls to develop “Actionable Intelligence” [30:00] The ultimate goal? Building a relationship. Resources Mentioned The Goonies Connect with Mario! On Facebook On Twitter On YouTube On LinkedIn Subscribe to Selling With Social

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