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Viveka von Rosen is Vengreso’s co-founder, Chief Visibility Officer, and THE expert on using video for sales. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial she explains why using video for sales will launch you past your competition and how you can build brand trust through videos. We also offer practical tips that will help you craft better video marketing tools for your business. It’s an episode filled with insights that you can’t afford to miss, so be sure to listen!

Using Video for Sales is Critical for Ultimate Selling Success - Here’s Why

75% of executives watch business-related online videos every week - and they share it with countless colleagues. Using video for sales works because it communicates the authenticity of your brand. Video builds credibility, and videos shared on LinkedIn receive 10x more exposure and shares than any other type of post. If you’re not using video for sales, you’re falling behind your competition. For more insights on why using video for sales is the best marketing strategy available, be sure to listen to this episode.

A Great Sales Video Should Include These 4 Components

A great video for sales isn’t just a scripted advertisement. It’s a carefully crafted marketing tool that will lead to more brand exposure and a greater sense of trust with your market. I share 4 main components every video for sales should include on this episode. Here they are.

Warm, personal greeting (and closing) Identification of the problem your customer faces Explanation of additional resources available to them to solve the problem A call to action that pairs a solution with your company and theirs You NEED to Combine Landing Pages with Video Marketing Tools

After you decide to use video for sales, the next step is to start pairing landing pages with your videos. These landing pages become resources that executives will share with their colleagues, and you can watch your views and click rates skyrocket. A great video landing page includes additional resources that pair with the video, clickable call to actions, your contact information and your company’s social media platforms. Solutions like OneMob exist to help you build these pages, so there’s no reason not to be using video in sales. To hear the full story behind landing pages and how they can drive the success of your sales videos, be sure to listen.

These Top 5 Tips Will Result in Better Sales Videos

Viveka wants every salesperson to know that you should never let fear keep you from closing the biggest deals of your life. You should never be afraid of being on camera because all your customers want is YOU being authentic and relatable. She shares 5 practical tips you can follow to record better sales videos:

Look straight at the camera lens Use the correct camera angle Masterfully use gestures (if you feel like you’re over-gesturing, you’re using the right amount) Sit with correct posture and use your entire face for emotions Know your audience and dress accordingly

Keep your videos short, keep them honest, and you’ll succeed in using video for sales. For even more great insights, be sure to listen to this episode.

Outline of This Episode [1:05] My guest for this episode of Selling With Social is Viveka Von Rosen [8:18] Why is video becoming so popular? [13:45] Don’t be nervous about using video, use these tools! [16:00] What is video marketing for marketing, compared to video marketing for sales? [19:50] Why you should combine landing pages with your video marketing tools [26:57] The best tips for recording marketing video content [36:53] Don’t opt out of using video for sales because of fear [40:15] Viveka on LinkedIn video, and her next conversation with Mario on Selling With Social Resources Mentioned Viveka’s Vengreso webpage Connect with Viveka on LinkedIn Follow Viveka on Twitter: @LinkedInExpert Follow Viveka on Facebook #VengresoVids on LinkedIn OneMob tool Zoom tool Social Business Engine Podcast - Bernie Borges Connect with Mario! On Facebook On Twitter On YouTube On LinkedIn

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