What does it take to become an effective sales team leader? How can you get the most out of your team to build a culture of accountability, transparency, and excellence? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from sales expert Lynne Pincek. Lynne is the Vice President of Business and Public Sector Sales and she has resided in Florida since 2012. She previously served in multiple leadership roles in Silicon Valley with Sprint’s global, strategic accounts division developing and implementing complex solutions for fortune 100 companies. Lynne received her bachelor’s degree in Arts and Science from the University of Missouri, Columbia. She is an avid runner and volunteer in her community. Learn from Lynne’s years of experience and success in the sales industry, don’t miss this episode!

This podcast is being brought to you by STAR - The Sales Team Alpine Retreat: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange taking place this February 7-9, 2018 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Selling internally and externally

Looking back on my time as a salesperson, I remember the struggle and the drive it took to close deals and succeed in my efforts to establish and build relationships with clients. What I failed to learn in those early years but finally came to understand (with help from Lynne when she promised she would FIRE me) is, you have to sell as much internally as you do externally. This means going the extra mile and tapping into the patience and understanding that is required when you work with members of your organization that don't seem to be as “driven” for the success of the sale as you are. Lynne played a pivotal role in my development as a sales team leader and I know that leaders like you will get a lot of value from her perspective. Learn more from Lynne’s insights on this episode of #SellingWithSocial!

Building trust with your sales team

Any good sales team leader knows that if team members can’t trust one another, dysfunction and chaos will plague the team. How does a leader build and cultivate trust with the team? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Lynne as she explains how she has succeeded in fostering trust and a collaborative environment in the sales teams that she has led over the years. Working toward open communication, accountability, and trust isn’t easy but the payoff of a healthy and vibrant team environment is worth the struggle and effort to get there. Find out what you can learn from Lynne’s story on this informative episode!

Tips to be an effective sales team leader

If you’ve been in the sales for any length of time, chances are you’ve worked with great and encouraging and terrible and ineffective team leaders. What are the qualities and values that make an effective sales team leader? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Lynne opens up and shares key insights and tips for current and aspiring sales team leaders. The heart of what Lynne has to share revolves around two values, transparency, and accountability. She believes that when a sales team leader gets these values right and leads by example, it will begin to infiltrate the whole team and create a culture of success. Discover more insights and lessons from Lynne on this episode!

This podcast is being brought to you by STAR - The Sales Team Alpine Retreat: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange taking place this February 7-9, 2018 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Managing Expectations

Did you know that unmet expectations are one of the leading causes of dysfunction in a team environment? How can you and your team ensure that your expectations are in alignment so there is no confusion? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Lynne and I talk about an exercise that she has her sales team go through that helps to identify and address the misalignment of expectations. Lynne, had her direct reports answer the question “What are my expectations of you?” From this exercise, she was able to understand which of messages and values she was communicating landed and which ones weren’t getting through to her team. What can you learn from practicing this exercise with your team? Hear more helpful tips and insights from Lynne on this episode!

Outline of This Episode [1:15] I introduce my guest, Lynne Pincek. [2:30] Lynne shares her story, the cliff notes version. [6:00] Lynne and I talk about a confrontation we had years ago. [10:30] Selling externally and internally. [13:00] Building trust with your team members. [18:00] Working with a bull in a china shop. [20:30] Fostering solid relationships between sales reps and managers. [24:30] Managing the right expectations. [30:00] Keeping an ongoing strategic plan. [33:00] How to stay on top of your game and keep your team competitive. [38:30] Staying transparent through change and highlighting accountability. [42:00] What makes mentors and coaches so effective? Resources Mentioned Lynne Pincek | Professional Profile - LinkedIn Lynne Pincek (@LynnePincek) | Twitter Harvard Business Review DISC Miracle on Ice Connect with Mario! www.vengreso.com On Facebook On Twitter On YouTube On LinkedIn

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