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Sales leadership is one of the most difficult roles to fill in any company. My guest on this episode of #SellingWithSocial shares why empowering your sales team starts with freeing up your sales leaders and streamlining their responsibilities. Jeff Shore is a highly sought-after sales expert, author, speaker, and consultant who guides executives and sales teams to embrace their discomforts and deliver BOLD sales results with his BE BOLD methodology.

Our conversation centers around the biggest problem facing sales leadership, having too much on their radar, and the steps they can take to fix it. Jeff shares how his 4-Pillars of Sales Leadership provides a framework that realigns the priorities of leaders allowing them to work in their zone of expertise. He then reveals how this shift impacts the sales team as a whole.

Jeff provides valuable insights into the true role of sales leaders and why realigning priorities at the top empowers those at the bottom to do their best work. Do not miss out on the valuable information this 30-year sales veteran has to offer.

A HUGE Problem In Sales Is That Sales Leaders’ Have Too Much On Their Radar

The bulk of most sales leaders’ time is spent solving problems, completing administrative work, and attending meetings. Not only are they required to be analytical and use logic to forecast sales, they must also be outgoing and inspiring to motivate and build their teams. These competing priorities prevent most sales leaders from performing their role to the best of their ability and to the maximum benefit of their company.

The main focus of sales leadership should be on driving lead conversions and helping their salespeople develop the skills needed to handle leads appropriately. Instead their day is filled with administrative tasks and meetings that divert their time and attention from their main goal of driving sales. Too many tasks are assigned to sales leaders because others in the organization do not understand the amount of time it takes to properly nurture leads. 

This episode is brought to you by, the number one conversation intelligence platform for sales. Gong helps you achieve revenue success, which means you win more deals, skyrocket rep performance and gain critical market intelligence. Get powerful visibility into your customer conversations with Gong. Head to to get started.

How You Can Fix The Problem So That It STAYS Fixed

Start at the top and work your way down. Organizational change has to start at the very highest level of an organization, with complete buy-in and the will to push the message down the chain. It is ineffective to coach JUST sales teams; the entire organization has to be onboard and willing to learn. If those at the top are not willing to reduce the amount of administrative burdens on the sales leaders then they will not be the most effective at delivering sales coaching and then the desired change will not come.

Another solution? Carve up the role and have one person handle the long term and day-to-day priorities and have another handle ongoing sales training and coaching. Many times the title of sales leader encompasses too many roles and responsibilities. The sales team needs to have someone in their corner, supporting them and working to develop their skills, and if the sales leader is too busy, then a second role needs to be created.

FIX THE PROBLEM: Put These 4 Pillars of Sales Leadership To Work

By using the 4 Pillars, sales leaders are empowered to prioritize the elements of the role and create effective teams. First, focus on lead conversion, next is skill development (or coaching), then team building (recruiting, hiring, training, etc.), and finally the business management and long-term planning pillar. By implementing these 4-Pillars, sales leaders are able to focus on their core responsibilities and are able to build strong sales teams.

When an organization allows their sales leaders to focus on coaching and development, the entire team is empowered to reach their full potential. Rather than having “coaching” conversations that begin and end with numbers, the pillars afford leaders the time to dig into strategies that create more effective salespeople. 

Leaders MUST Be Able To Coach Those Who Are Different Than Them

Some sales leaders aim to hire salespeople that act and sell just like them - because it’s the style and approach that feels “right” to them. But when you’re hiring for a team, the focus should be on more than mere capability and experience. By focusing on candidates with a high achievement drive, positive attitude, and a coachable mentality, you’ll find the most qualified and quality new hires. Those are the things that matter most, so look for those qualities first. Once you're clear that a candidate has them, you'll be able to measure their skills as a salesperson next.

Making good hiring decisions that aren’t based solely on how long a person has been in sales requires a deep understanding of the current culture in the organization and how your potential new hire fits in. Sales leaders must also keep in mind that when they hire coachable employees, they have to take the time to coach and nurture them so that every member of the team reaches their highest potential.

This episode is brought to you by, the number one conversation intelligence platform for sales. Gong helps you achieve revenue success, which means you win more deals, skyrocket rep performance and gain critical market intelligence. Get powerful visibility into your customer conversations with Gong. Head to to get started.

Outline of This Episode [2:48] Who is Jeff? A 20-year sales and consulting leader (and why I want to be like him) [7:25] Getting clear on what we ask sales leaders to do so that priorities remain priorities [15:01] How to create better sales leaders: The 4 pillars of sales leadership [17:47] What are the 4 pillars of sales leadership [22:50] Why leaders are driven - and why it’s a good thing for sales leaders [29:28] Your ideal salesperson avatar should be a cultural decision  Resources Mentioned Jeff’s website: Jeff’s new book: “Be Bold” Jeff’s Amazon author profile Jeff on LinkedIn Jeff on Twitter: @JeffShore Jeff’s all-time favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption BOOK: The Talent Code Modern Marketing Engine Podcast - Bernie Borges Connect with Mario! On Facebook On Twitter On YouTube On LinkedIn

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