Mike Montague interviews Josh Linkner on How to Succeed at Big Little Breakthroughs.   In this episode: The best attitude, behavior, and technique on how to succeed at big little breakthroughs Innovations aren’t just for people wearing lab coats and hoodies Playing it safe is risky If it’s not broken, break it Reach for weird How to practice creativity every morning Don’t put Legos together with the directions Creativity isn’t wizardry The bad idea brainstorm Get 5% more creative   Podcast: https://howtosucceed.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-succeed-podcast-by/id1097591566 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/00JoVzRtMzmQB5Ae5RWWQZ   The How to Succeed Podcast is a public and free podcast from Sandler Training, the worldwide leader in sales, management, and customer service training for individuals all the way up to Fortune 500 companies with over 250 locations around the globe.   Find white papers, webinars, and more in our free Sandler E-Learning Library: https://www.sandler.com/sell   Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a comment!