Mike Montague interviews John Rosso, award-winning Sandler trainer and author of the best-seller, Prospect The Sandler Way and the new book with Mark McGraw called 21st-Century Prospecting.    Get the book on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/21st-Century-Prospecting-Authoritative-Development/dp/1737010267/    In this episode: The best attitude, behavior, and technique on how to succeed at 21st-century prospecting How to find the sweet spot between pushing too hard and never asking for the sale Technology is your accelerator, not your differentiator Brevity is your friend in digital communications End your call to action with a question mark Is “liking” someone’s content a prospecting strategy? Use third party stories Ask clarifying questions Don’t take too long to set up a call or an appointment Take 8 seconds to sell a 3 - 5 minute conversation Use a business edge tone of voice

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