Hal has not one incredible story but TWO. At age 20 his car was hit head-on by a drunk driver at 70 miles per hour, his heart stopped beating for 6 minutes, he broke 11 bones and woke up after being in a coma for 6 days to be told by his doctors that he would probably never walk again.

This is a Sell or Die classic episode. Maybe you missed it the first time around. If you didn't, listen again. Repetition is the mother of mastery.

Well, not only did Hal walk, he ran a 52-mile ultra-marathon and went on to became a hall of fame business achiever, international keynote speaker, author, and grateful husband & father—all before he turned 30.

Then, in November of 2016, Hal nearly died again—his kidneys, lungs, and heart were failing, and he was diagnosed with a rare, and very aggressive form of leukemia. After enduring the most difficult year of his life, battling cancer, Hal is now cancer-free and furthering his mission as the host of the Achieve Your Goals podcast, creator of the Best Year Ever [Blueprint] LIVE event, and Executive Producer of The Miracle Morning MOVIE—a documentary featuring Lewis Howes, Robert Kiyosaki, Robin Sharma, Mel Robbins, James Altucher, Dr. John Gray, Laila Ali, Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Marci Schimoff, Joe Polish, and more.

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

On today's show... 

11:44 - How Hal Elrod kept his spirits high even after the accident

16:40 - What is Hal Elrod’s 5 Minute Rule?

27:17 - What disconnects people from living up to their full potential

29:50 -  What are the six practices of The Miracle Morning?

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Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website: https://gitomer.com

Jennifer’s website: https://salesinanyminute.com

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy: https://go.gitomer.com/gitomer-learning-academy

FREE EBOOK: Jeffrey's Little E-Book of How to Listen

Listen up! We have a new free ebook offer for our Diehards. Blah, blah, blah...is that all your prospects seem to say when they're telling you why they ain't buying what you're selling? Then you've got a real problem on your hands: you SUCK at listening! Get better and get more deals with this free e-book.
