This episode is a reading of the Buuster Fitness investigative think-piece. ~ 

Whether on social media or via email, how many times have you been presented with unsolicited communications from odd individuals, dodgy businesses or actual scam artists? If you’re anything like me, the answer is a few more than you’d care to count. Unless the content is coincidentally relevant to our own lives, we normally don’t hesitate to ignore, erase, mark as junk, delete or block communications from the sender to avoid it happening again - but when an email from Buuster Fitness landed in my inbox on March 10th, the content and 'opportunity' it contained struck a chord.

Buuster Fitness were asking to collaborate on Instagram content and were paying $100 USD per post. This offer reminded me of a past-life that I’d since been working to unpack, explore and make sense of, so although receiving the email was humorous, it was also personal. I decided to dig a little deeper - and this is the crazy, winding result.

After you listen, check out the Brand New Selfie Reflective Website!