Emily Crookston is the ghostwriter for rebels, renegades, and mavericks. She helps busy professionals--who are long on ideas, but short on time--write books, articles, and blog posts. As the Pocket PhD, Emily partners with individuals and brands to make the boring or complex sound spectacular. She draws out her clients’ most audacious, even disruptive, ideas or fiercely original stories and stokes the sparks until their thoughts spread like wildfire. Her work has appeared in SmartBrief, the Huffington Post, Inc.com, and Entrepreneur.

Emily is also a former philosophy professor, speaker, and podcast guest. When she’s not writing intensely, she’s most likely practicing yoga intensely. She lives for coffee shops that play great music to write to and desserts topped with *real* whipped cream.

To find out more about Emily:


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilycrookston

Twitter: emcrookston


You can find Josiane Fortin, the self-proclaimed Self-Publishing Queen here:


Author page



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