1) Over 14000 unique clicks were generated in my Crime/Thriller Giveaway at https://freebie-books.com/crime-thrillers-may2017/

Ian Sutherland was the top promoter, sending 3500+ unique clicks, many of those directly via his Twitter accounts.

Check out Ian's Author Platform Sidekick service: https://self-publishing-journeys.com/APS [Affiliate link]

3) My Dead of Night proof copy arrived - I have 10 x fiction paperback books now:

4) I've now put Self-Publishing Journeys on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SelfPublishingJourneys/

5) Avril McDonald's new book:

[amazon_link asins='B06XTV7ZJ5' template='ProductAd' store='author-pt-21' marketplace='UK' link_id='fffcc329-373c-11e7-8700-95a48855f596']

6) Sarah Painter's Worried Writer podcast (highly recommended!) at http://www.worriedwriter.com/ and her first self-published book:

[amazon_link asins='B06Y6GXFY6' template='ProductAd' store='author-pt-21' marketplace='UK' link_id='310ce1bb-373d-11e7-9308-2f2c71aeabd0']

7) Books2Read service https://www.books2read.com/ (highly recommended!)

8) My crappy Amazon review - note the anonymity of the reviewer who simultaneously gets to screw up my chances of shifting the book and remain hidden in the shadows!

9) Reminder! Amazon Academy event in Edinburgh on 23rd May http://selfpublishingadvice.org/amazon-academy/

10) Reminder! ALLi Indie Author Fringe event on June 3rd http://selfpublishingadvice.org/6-weeks-until-bookexpo-indie-author-fringe-2017-are-you-ready-to-sell-more-books/