Better. Stronger. Faster. It's what many of us strive for in our author careers. But how do we move the needle forward when life has other plans? Enter Becca Syme. Becca is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and has been coaching success alignment for more than a decade. Join us as we analyze a Strengths test in real time and discuss how success alignment can help us reach the top 1% of our capacity. 

//Draft2Digital is where you start your Indie Author Career//  

Looking for your path to self-publishing success? Draft2Digital is the leading ebook publisher and distributor worldwide. We’ll convert your manuscript, distribute it online, and support you the whole way—and we won’t charge you a dime.  

We take a small percentage of the royalties for each sale you make through us, so we only make money when you make money. That's the best kind of business plan.  

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