((( headphones recommended for optimal immersion and enjoyment )))

I’d describe Eric Wargo as an oneiric archeologist. He’s the author of “Time Loops: Retrocausation, Precognition, and The Unconscious” as well as a recent handbook for interpreting message from the future received in dreams called “Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self.” I resonate with the ideas he puts forth so much that I’ve purchased the book seven times!

We talk about the physical locale of the collective unconscious, personification and encryption in dream states, time travel, the prophetic nature of creativity, and more. I also get a chance to relay a few pertinent instances of precognition and time loops from my own life.

Zoom Room Video Recording & extended shownotes on Patreon

Find/follow Eric:
Twit: @thenightshirt
Passion of the Space Jockey (essay)

books: u-know-where

Mentioned on the show:

Reverse Writing by Esther Jacobs

My new film San Pedro

Buy my book The He & The She Of It

Villa Precognito, pt 1 (writings)

This Little Spine of Mine (writings)

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IG: void_denizen

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All music composed by The Ungoogleable.
"Premonitions" by TheaTerRa (Spotify, Bandcamp, etc)