Actor and photographer Josh Fingerhut (Brooklyn 99, Sneaky Pete, Hawaii Five-0) shares how his casual cocaine use as a 3.5 GPA Northwestern University student led to thirteen years later almost losing his arm (and life) as an intravenous meth user while working regularly as an actor in Los Angeles. We discuss the psychology of addiction, the power of self deception, and how he needed to hit a "rock bottom" near-death 315 pounds before getting clean, sober and in the best shape of his life.

Jeff Grace (host)

@jeffgrace (Twitter) @jeffgrace (IG) IMDB

Josh Fingerhut (guest)

@josh_finger_hut (IG) @jpdahutt (Twitter) IMDB Photos of Josh Pre/Post Recover (note: some photos not for the squeamish)

Music by Michael Sempert | Michael Sempert on Spotify

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