Uncle Sam screwed up!  In a recent report, the feds attempted to demonize two strategies for creating multi-million dollar profits in your retirement account.  And in the process, they showed us just how to do it.  I’m Bryan Ellis.  I’ll tell you all about those strategies RIGHT NOW in Episode #107.


Hello, SDI Nation.  It’s so great to be with you again!  I’ve got so much to share with you… after today’s show, you’ll feel like you’ve been drinking from a firehose!

First, there are two EXTRAORDINARY resources I’ll be adding to the 5-star listener group this week.

Resource #1 is a FASCINATING interview with a little-known but incredibly insightful financial analyst.  I was blown away.  There’s a connection between the price of gold and the price of housing, and it’s been highly predictive in the past.  I never would have guessed this correlation, but it’s true.  And in this special interview, you’ll see exactly what it’s predicting for housing in the immediate future!

Resource #2 is a training video called “The Profit Partition Partnership:  Uncle Sam’s Way To Millions” is an ASTOUNDING strategy that I’d bet BIG TIME you’ve never heard of.  You’ll get a bit of an introduction to it in today’s podcast – but I’ll tell you… this one has some many different wildly powerful applications – specifically for retirement account investing – that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to overstate the importance of this info.  You MUST see this training.

Both of these resources – the “Gold/Housing Ratio” interview and the Profit Partition Partnership training – are totally free to members of the Self Directed Investor Radio’s 5-Star Listener group.  And it’s free to be a member of that group.  Just text the word “SDIGroup” to 33444 and you’re in!  Again, that’s SDIGROUP with no spaces or periods, spelled S-D-I-G-r-o-u-p… text SDIGroup to 33444 for free access to the SDI 5-Star Listener’s Group!

My friends, a fascinating report from the federal government’s General Account Office was released in October 2014.  No, the writing wasn’t riveting, and this one won’t make any “best of” literary lists.  But for anyone smart enough to read between the lines, that report was PACKED TIGHT with content that’s actually GENUINELY helpful.

Not all of the news is good in that report.  I told you about some of it in a previous episode of SDIRadio… the entire report is a reaction to the fact that there is a very small group of people in America who have grown their IRA’s to a very large size - $25 million or more.

That’s the type of result many of us dream of, isn’t it?  Yet that’s the type of success that gets negative attention from the government.

Oh… and by the way… there are only 314 IRA’s in the entire country as of the date of this publication that had $25 million or more.  Yep, that’s right:  This 93-page report, which doubtlessly costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to product, is aimed at 314 people.

Actually, it’s less than that.  Because as you see by reading the report, the feds are only REALLY concerned with people who have large ROTH IRA’s… because they know that ultimately, they’ll get their piece of all of those traditional accounts.  But the Roths?  Well… any Roth account is entirely opposed to the purposes of the government – which is to grow the size and power of government – since the profit in those Roth accounts will NEVER be subject to taxation.  So it’s a clear double-standard.  But we all expect that from Uncle Sam, don’t we?

So the real GOLD that appears in that report comes in Appendix 4, aptly titled “Examples of Strategies to Accumulate Large Individual Retirement Accounts”.

I’ll preface this by saying that BOTH of these strategies are really interesting intellectually.  But as I explain them to you, there’s a crazy-high probability you’re going to think something like “sounds interesting… but I’m not going to take a company public” or maybe “sounds interesting… but I’m not a partner in a billion-dollar hedge fund”.

Fair enough… just listen to the strategies, and then I promise I’ll help you to understand how they connect to you.  Actually, I think only one of them is relevant for you… but it could be relevant for a WHOLE LOT of you.

So, strategy #1 works like this:  A group of people form a new business and structure it as a privately-held corporation.  The founders decide that the company should issue 100 million shares of stock at an incredibly small price per share – something like 1/8th of a penny per share.  And one of those founders, - we’ll call him Brilliant Bob – well, he very wisely contributes $5,000 to a roth IRA and spends all of that money on buying into the shares of this new company.

Well, at such a tiny per-share price, 5 grand actually buys Brilliant Bob 4 million shares.

So, a few years later, this company is doing well.  They raise capital by selling some shares to a Venture Capital firm at $10 per share… and Brilliant Bob gets to participate in that by selling 1 million of his shares.

Well, right there Bob makes a windfall of $10,000,000.  He really is Brilliant.

It gets better a few years later when the company goes public at $25 a share and those other 3,000,000 share Bob owns are now worth $75,000,000.

So, Brilliant Bob now has $85,000,000 in his Roth IRA… and he’ll never pay a dime of taxes on that money.

Ok, so here’s the thing about that strategy:  No, it’s not practical for most people.  Unless you’re involved at the very front end on a company that ultimately proves very successful in the public market, you’re not likely to be able to replicate this particular type of result.

But my friends, I think this example – while far less applicable to me and you than the second example – is nevertheless fascinating.  THAT is a way that makes sense to me to play the stock market… as a FOUNDER of the companies that go public, and not as an investor in the publicly traded shares.

But what about the other strategy?

You’re likely to feel that this example is just as unapproachable as the first, but my friends… there’s HUGE, MASSIVE potential in this one for me and you.

So, this example involves the creation of an investment fund.  I’ll spare you some of the less interesting details, but the way it works is like this:

A group of 10 successful investors – including our hero for this story, Genius Jane – partner together to form an investment company, where they invest money on behalf of 3rd parties.  They manage to raise $1 BILLION from their clients, and the way they’re compensated is that they get to keep 20% of the profits they generate.  This is called a “Profits Interest”.  It’s a common and pretty fair way for investment managers to be compensated.

So, Genius Jane played this whole situation very smartly.  Like all of the 10 partners in the investment fund, Genius Jane had to invest some capital herself.  But her investment came straight from her Roth IRA.

Why does that matter?  Because the fund proves to be successful, and other the next 10 years, it generates $1BILLION in profits.  The investment fund as a whole gets 20% of those profits – or $200 Million.  And Genius Jane’s part of that is $20 Million.

Totally tax free.  Forever.

Well, my friends… I’ve got some news for you.  This strategy – the “Profits Interest” concept – is something that is REALLY powerful… and wildly powerful for YOU and ME… even though we may not be forming a billion-dollar private equity fund.

How?  I’ll give you more about this tomorrow, but I sincerely and strongly recommend that you join the Self Directed Investor Radio 5-Star Listeners Group RIGHT NOW so you can see the FULL PRESENTATION I’m doing on this concept.  It will be detailed, powerful and INCREDIBLY revealing to you.  I’m confident it’ll blow your mind.

It’s free to join the 5-star group.  Just text the word SDIGroup – with no spaces or periods – to 33444 right now.  Again, text the word SDIGroup to 33444.


My friends… invest wisely today – including using the strategies you’ll learn in the free 5-star group – and live well forever!

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