What were the HOTTEST EPISODES of Self Directed Investor Radio for all of 2015? I hope you didn’t miss them, because they are SIZZLIN’ HOT! Hehehehe. I’m Bryan Ellis. I’ll tell you what they were and how to find them in the archives – and reveal MY favorite show of the year – RIGHT NOW in this special New Year’s Eve episode #179!


Hello, SDI Nation. Welcome to the podcast of record for savvy self-directed investors like you.

It was a milestone day, February 2, 2015. That was the day that Self Directed Investor Radio was launched EXCLUSIVELY as a podcast, and not as a radio show in any market.

And yet… here today, less than a year later, far more people hear this show every single day than hear most radio shows across America. The growth has been AMAZING and I’m so grateful to YOU!

Most of you found this program through iTunes which is great… but unfortunately, Apple is constantly toying around with that system, frequently adjusting the number of back-episodes to which they provide access. That’s too bad, because many of our older episodes were very, very well received. And with that, I’d like to take just a few minutes to share with you the top 5 episodes of 2015 – judged purely by the number of downloads:

The FIFTH most popular episode of 2015, titled “Is your IRA liable to file tax returns”, Episode 48 revealed a truth that shocks many people: Your IRA isn’t completely tax exempt, and can very easily have tax return filing requirements. In fact, there are relatively FEW categories of transactions that can be done in an IRA that do not create a tax filing requirement, and in episode #48, a shocked America discovered the truth. You can check it out for yourself at SDIRadio.com/48.

The FOURTH most popular episode of 2015: Titled, “Two Very Bad Signs About The U.S. Economy”, Episode #114 on August 13 warned about two hugely problematic indicators for the U.S. economy concerning CHINA and concerning activity in the U.S. stock market. And not coincidentally, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had dropped by nearly 2,000 points in the 2 weeks following that warning. You can hear it for yourself by visiting SDIRadio.com/114.

The THIRD most popular episode of 2015: Titled “SKIP LANDLORDING! How To Really Make Cash Flow From Real Estate”, Episode #39 was a treatise of my feelings about investing money as a private lender, and I still feel that’s the best overall strategy, even better than owning rental properties for MOST investors. Both strategies are great, but to find out why I think private lending is a better place to START and to base your portfolio, particularly for newer real estate investors, check out episode #39 by visiting SDIRadio.com/39.

The SECOND most popular episode of 2015: Titled “How To Buy Real Estate FAR BELOW It’s Actual Value” Episode #56 revealed a strategy that absolutely, positively works to get real estate at great prices. It’s particularly apt for those of you who only want to acquire an extra 1-4 properties per year, as it allows you to be very selective. This strategy is an ACTIVE strategy, meaning you have to work at it every month, although the time requirement is not big. But for those of you who are ACTIVE real estate investors looking for great deals, be sure to check out Episode 56 at SDIRadio.com/56.

And DRUMROLL PLEASE…. Ok, no drumroll, we haven’t gotten that fancy yet.


The most popular episode of 2015, Titled “CAUTION! Why rental property should NEVER be the foundation of your portfolio”, Episode #47 took a lot of people by surprise. Can rental property be a great investment? ABSOLUTELY! Should it be where you start? For most people, the answer is a resounding NO… and in episode 47 – a very controversial episode – you’ll find out why. You can listen in at SDIRadio.com/47.

So there you have it… the top 5 most downloaded shows of 2015 for Self Directed Investor Radio.

But there’s something about that stat you should know: The unique nature of podcasts… and the ability to download past episodes… means that older episodes will always have more listens that newer episodes.

So to wrap up today’s show, I’d like to tell you about my favorite episode of the year. In fact… it wasn’t a real episode. It was something of a “filler” because I chose to take the day off and spend it with my family. It was my treatise on the very best investment available… that will beat the socks off of anything in which you’ve ever invested before. Check that one out… it’s at SDIRadio.com/best.

My friends, this year has been amazing, and I’m so grateful to all of my loyal listeners, and grateful to have the opportunity to turn you casual listeners into the more loyal type! The new year will be full of wonderful opportunity… and I’ll share those opportunities with you, like I did in Episode 162 at SDIRadio.com/162, where I told you about an overlooked market that my team is taking advantage of for the benefit of our clients… and I’ll tell you, that market is being very good to us!

The new year will be full of risk, too… and I’ll do my best to tell you about that stuff before it happens, just like I did in the previously mentioned Episode 114 where I give you a nearly 2-week warning before the Dow Jones got crushed.

The new year will be full of changes… changes in the law – such as the really, really big one I alerted you to in June in Episode #90 about a huge Supreme Court decision that bodes very, very badly for the rights of real estate investors in America… and I, of course, suggested some ways to minimize that impact. You can hear that at SDIRadio.com/90.

But most of all, the new year will be full of LIFE… beautiful, wonderful life for which we have the distinct honor and opportunity to be grateful every single day. There’s an extremely high probability that anyone hearing this podcast lives in one of the WEALTHY countries… such as here in the United States, where our “poverty line” would allow people in most other countries of the world to live in unimaginable splendor. We should all be so grateful for these opportunities, the risks that create them, and the time we’re given so that every single day can be a work of beauty… and it’s all up to each of us every single day.

Hey folks, that’s all for 2015! Next year will be great, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank GOD, who is faithful all the time, even and especially when I’m not. And I’d like to thank my wife Carole whose raw intelligence, incredibly productivity and impressively accurate instincts have made a huge difference in our business this year, and whose grace and beauty blow my mind every single day. I mean every single day. I love you, Carole.

My friends, have fun tonight, but stay safe. We’ve got a lot of great things to do together in 2016!

And of course… invest wisely today, and live well forever!

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