ONE SINGLE WORD explains it all, my friends.  Why do so many people mindlessly plow so much money into stocks & mutual funds, when FAR BETTER OPTIONS exist?  I’m Bryan Ellis… I’ll tell you what that ONE WORD is, and how YOU can get more of it RIGHT NOW in Episode #115.


Another day, and I get to be with you yet again!  I swear to you, my friends, I feel like the luckiest man alive to get to spend this time with you each day!

Welcome back to ANOTHER exciting episode of the podcast of record for savvy self-directed investors like YOU.

So, folks, before I get started:  Today I’m delivering a POWERFUL webinar that’s exactly perfect for many of you.  If you need a way to generate a solid, predictable and astoundingly safe 7% on your investment portfolio, I’ll show you EXACTLY how to do that in today’s webinar.  It’s not an exotic strategy… in fact, you’ll understand the fundamentals in under 30 seconds.  But it is POWERFUL… and if you’re looking for a way to deploy the CORE of your portfolio… the part that you’re depending upon, and that you can’t afford to risk… well, join us today!  The webinar cost $97 for the general public but for you as a listener to the Self Directed Investor Radio show, I’ll admit you without cost.  But there are only a small number of complimentary passes remaining for today’s live broadcast and then for a couple of re-broadcasts that are coming up.  If you’d like to get one of those free passes, then text the word RESERVE to 33444 right now.  Again, text the word RESERVE to 33444 right now and I’ll send you a link so you can get one of those complimentary passes!

My friends, yesterday was a crazy, delightful day.  My team bought 4 different houses yesterday, all of which were bought so far below value that we have every reason in the world to expect to be able to turn these properties very quickly for really, really substantial profits.

I’d like to tell you about one of those deals.  It’s the one of the 4 I know most about, because my wife Carole and I bought it, at her urging.

A quick aside – gentlemen, aren’t you grateful for your wife?  Wow… that woman has improved the quality of my decision making immensely, both in steering me away from bad ideas and pushing me towards the good ones.  Carole… thank you.  I’m doing a terrible job of expressing how truly grateful I am for you, and how profoundly CENTRAL you are to the success of our businesses, but I want you to know, and I want everyone to know:  I *KNOW* I couldn’t do it without you… not even close.  And what I get from you isn’t just nebulous help in the form of being a good, supportive wife – which you certainly are – but you also contribute materially and substantially to our businesses in ways that nobody ever sees publicly, and I’m so grateful to you.  Thank you!

Ok, returning from that aside:  I’d like to tell you about the deal I got yesterday, because it’s a really good one.  But the reason I want to tell you about it is not to brag, but to express today’s point about the ONE WORD that explains why so many people choose fundamentally QUESTIONABLE investments – including stocks & mutual funds – when so many superior options exist.

So about this deal… I wasn’t planning to buy it.  I wasn’t planning to do any investing yesterday at all.  I was just minding my own business when the phone rang.

On the other end of the phone was a friend and colleague who I’ve come to respect and trust.  This guy is a dynamo at finding really great real estate deals.

He called me and said… “Bryan, I know you’ve been looking for some rental property in the Phoenix-Tucson corridor.  I’ve got one for you if you want it.”  Well, I wasn’t expecting the call, so I was a bit surprised, but certainly intrigued.

He went on to explain…  “Property is worth $100k.  You can rent it for about $850.  Including purchase and renovation, you’ll be in it for $55,000.”

Ummm…. Yeah.  I think I want that one.

The deal is great, and it’s in a region of the country where we have some serious inside information that leads us to believe that there’s massive appreciation potential.  It’s an exciting, exciting deal!

But that’s not where the story ends.  I wasn’t expecting to do any investing yesterday, and so I didn’t have all of my funding at the ready.  This was a deal bought at foreclosure auction, so time is of the essence.  It’s a pay-now-or-don’t-get-the-deal kind of thing.

So we’re funding this deal from a retirement account, and the person who controls that IRA is wholly unavailable to wire the funds until Monday.  Big problem, right?

Well, yeah… but when I expressed this to my colleague, and told him he could just let it go to someone else, he said – no worries.  I’ll carry it for you over the weekend.”

So the guy essentially lent me $55,000 on nothing more than the strength of a good relationship.

This deal is going to be profitable, my friends.  In fact, I may well just sell this one as a turnkey rental property and leave a huge chunk of equity in it for my buyer.

But here’s why I’m telling you all of this:  Yesterday, all over America, people called their stock brokers or logged onto their e-Trade accounts or whatever they do, and they bought mutual funds.  I’ll bet somewhere, somebody actually invested a similar amount of money - $55,000 – as the amount of my deal.

And do you know what?  Even if I sell it really, really cheaply, I’ll still put $20,000 in my pocket… in 45 days or less.  And you know what?  At the average annual return of about 6.8%, it will take that same stock market investor 5 years to achieve what I’ll achieve in the next 45 days.  And I’ll take FAR LESS RISK while doing it.

Why?  Why am I doing it that way – and hopefully you too – rather than the conventional route of mutual funds?

It all comes down to one word:  ACCESS.  I have access to these opportunities.  And in truth, it’s not really even access, as much as RELATIONSHIPS.  Relationships with people of influence, people with connections… folks, that’s the secret sauce of being a successful self-directed investor.  It really is.

Another quick example… and then I’ll help you to see why this is GREAT NEWS for you, even if you don’t feel like you have the access to these kinds of opportunities that you want.

So, I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to connect my clients – many of whom are listeners to this very show – with GREAT investment opportunities.  I’m always looking for things that match the S3 Investment Standard of Simple, Safe and Strong.

Well, one guy I’m evaluating has a pretty astounding track record.  He understands this “relationship” issue far better than most.  The guy does ZERO in the way of marketing, yet the kind of deals he gets… in VERY LARGE VOLUME – 35 deals in the last 60 days – is just astounding.  It’s all a function of his RELATIONSHIPS.

He just bought a house for $273,000 that needs ZERO renovation work.  In as-is condition, this property is worth $450,000.  That’s a MASSIVE paycheck about to happen… because of a strong relationship.

He got another one for $95,000 all in that’s worth $170,000.  And another all-in deal at $90,000 that’s worth $150,000.  He got a horse farm in a polo community for $258,000 that’s easily worth $600,000 which he’ll sell in a matter of days at the discounted price of $499,000.  He’ll only make about $140,000 in a few days.  Poor guy.  Hehehehe

Here’s my point, folks:  It’s all about ACCESS to high quality relationships.

And for those of you with whom I have the pleasure of working, and for whom I get to serve as YOUR ACCESS to deals of this quality… well, thank you!

What about YOU, my friend?  Would you like to be involved in deals like I just described to you?  Well… if this guy passes my due diligence process – and frankly, most do not – but if he does, then I’ll be looking for people – for savvy, self-directed investors – who would like to take part in transactions like that.

Interested?  I thought so!  Make sure you’re part of the Self Directed Investor 5-Star listener’s group, and I’ll share more information there.  If you’re not a part of the group, just text the word SDIGROUPD to 33444.  Again, text the word SDIGROUP with no spaces or periods to 33444.


My friends:  Invest wisely today, and live well forever!

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