STOP THE PRESSES!  I was WRONG about investing in Gold in your retirement account!  Yes, I made a rare error, and I’m here to correct the record.  But WAIT A MINUTE… you’re going to be surprised about HOW I was wrong… and you’ll learn something very valuable in the process.  Plus, you’ll hear about an EXTRAORDINARY multi-family investment property opportunity.  I’m Bryan Ellis.  You’ll get it all right now in Episode 148.


Hello, SDI Nation.  Welcome to the podcast of record for savvy self-directed investors like you!

Yes, you heard it right:  I screwed up.  Sort of.  But people… not a single one of you caught my error.  What’s up with you people?

Hehehehe.  It actually took the watchful eye of the venerable expert Mr. Tim Berry, IRA & 401k attorney extraordinaire out in Phoenix.  Tim, thanks for catching my error… but don’t you have better things to do than listen to this little podcast?  Ha!  Of course you don’t… because this is the PODCAST of RECORD for savvy self-directed investors!  Seriously Tim, thanks so much!

I’ll get to that error in about 10 seconds, but first:  Hang with me until the end, particularly if you’re interested in enjoying HIGH cash flow.  I’ll tell you a bit about some multifamily property investment opportunities that involve VERY high cash flow, substantial equity from day 1, and physical structures that are totally newly renovated… all in a locale that’s very, very stable!  Doesn’t get much better than that, so stick with me.

So here’s the error I made about investing in gold through your retirement account:

All of the stuff I told you about the restrictions on investing in gold through your IRA is totally true.  If you buy gold in your IRA, its got to be 99.9% pure.  And if it’s a coin, basically it has to be a government-issued coin like the American Eagle or Canadian Maple Leafs.

You can’t just go out and buy gold willy-nilly in your IRA.  I wasn’t wrong about that.

What, did you think I was FUNDAMENTALLY wrong about what I told you yesterday?  Ha!  Don’t be silly.

But here’s where I wasn’t exactly perfect, and honestly, I shouldn’t even be surprised.

Here’s the deal:  All of those restrictions apply to buying precious metals in your IRA.  Exactly like I said.

BUT… as is nearly always the case… a self-directed 401k is better than a self-directed IRA.  Why?  Those restrictions apply to a self-directed IRA, but if you’re using a self-directed 401k, then you could let your 401k buy gold bones and let the dog bury them in the back yard for safe keeping.

Yep… that’s right:  The Self-Directed 401k lets you have astounding flexibility when purchasing precious metals... and a self-directed IRA does not.

So if you want to be an investor in precious metals, your options when using a self-directed IRA are severely limited versus using a self-directed 401k.  I didn’t know that before yesterday, though I’m really not surprised to find another CLEAR EXAMPLE of the superiority of self-directed 401k’s over IRA’s.

And folks, if you don’t yet have a self-directed 401k and you think you don’t qualify to have one, go back to Episode 141 of Self Directed Investor Radio to hear exactly what those requirements are, and how nearly ANYONE can comply with them with just a small bit of effort… effort that is TOTALLY worthwhile.

BUT… and this is huge:  Not all self-directed 401k’s are created equally.  It depends profoundly on the specific words used in the plan documents and here’s something I’ve observed:  A whole lot of the self-directed IRA custodians who also offer self-directed 401k’s actually draft their plans in such a way that the limitations of IRA’s actually apply also to their 401k’s as well.  Yes, folks, it happens… and it happens VERY frequently.

That means that it’s POSSIBLE for you to have a self-directed 401k and STILL not get the flexibility it offers because the language used in your plan, as drafted by your custodian, imposes IRA-based limits on your account rather than allowing you the full range of freedom that’s available in a 401k.

My advice:  Don’t use the wrong kind of 401k!

Where can you get the right kind of self-directed 401k that offers all of this flexibility… and practically makes you a financial genius at the same time?  Hehehehe

Just check out  Again, that’s

My friends… I don’t often get things wrong.  I’m almost always right.  Just ask me.  I’ll confirm it for you.  Hehehehe

But I got this one wrong, and I’m happy to have had the chance to correct it for you.

Folks, that’s all about Gold investing.  Honestly, it’s not my favorite topic anyway, but it’s important.  But what IS a favorite topic is building consistent, reliable CASH FLOW and WEALTH through REAL ESTATE!

So how would you like to own – or possibly even partner with me in ownership of – a GREAT multi-family property that has excellent and highly reliable double-digit net cash flows, is totally newly renovated, and is potentially available at FAR below it’s appraised value?  Well, that opportunity exists and is very real.  I’ll be sending information about it to my TOP PICKS list tomorrow, so be sure to get on that list right now if you’re not on it already.  To do that, just text TOPPICKS to 33444.  Again, text the word TOPPICKS – spelled TOPPICKS with no spaces to 33444.  You’ll be glad you did!

My friends:  Invest wisely today, and live well forever!


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