Donald Trump!  He’s soaking up all of the headlines in the Presidential race, but nobody really knows much about what he believes.  Is there a right way to see Trump from the perspective of a wise, responsible self-directed investor?  There sure is.  I’m Bryan Ellis.  I’ll help you see that perspective RIGHT NOW in Episode #130.


Hello, SDI Nation!  It is SO GOOD to be back in the saddle.  For the last two weeks, I’ve struggled with a combination of pneumonia and bronchitis… and it’s been MISERABLE!  I’m not at 100% yet – probably still only about 85% - but I’ll give every bit that I have to making this an unforgettable experience as you listen to this, the podcast of record for savvy, self-directed investors like you!

Thank you for the rather overwhelming response to the last episode, #129 – available at – where I encouraged you to view “bankruptcy” not as a financial escape hatch, but as a standard of financial preparedness.  My theory is this:  Bankruptcy is the one situation in which a person must absolutely come clean and disclose absolutely everything about their financial situation.  Privacy doesn’t matter.  Everything is on the line and known by all parties.  So if, in that situation, your financial affairs can be arranged in advance in a way that’s BOTH totally in compliance with the law, AND capable of making sure that your assets aren’t lost even if you went through bankruptcy, then in my humble but undeniably accurate opinion, THAT is the gold standard of asset protection.  So talk with your own attorney about getting that kind of protection established, because it’s important that you do this long BEFORE you’re facing legal or creditor difficulty.  By the time you’re already in the middle of the fire, it could be too late.  If you don’t have an attorney that you trust on these issues, go back and listen to for a referral.

So what about Donald Trump?!

Let’s get the partisan issue out of the way first.  Donald Trump may be running as a republican, but let me tell you without question:  Trump is not a republican.  Trump is not a democrat.  Trump is the founding and sole member of the Trump party, and he’s doubtlessly running for President to advance his own interests.

So for those of you who are tempted to tune out just because I’m talking about a guy who is running under the Republican label… let’s leave the small mindedness at the door, shall we?  Polling already clearly indicates that Trump has substantial interest across party and ethnic lines, and since the guy has a commanding lead, it makes sense for you and me to know a thing or two about him, since he’s clearly a serious candidate who COULD become the next President of the United States.

Spoiler alert:  I’m not going to tell you whether I support Trump or not.  I don’t know yet.  But what we can analyze are his ideals and determine whether his approach is compatible with our needs as self-directed investors.

A moment ago I commented to you that Trump isn’t Republican or Democrat but is pursuing his own interests.  How’d that rub you?  My suspicion is that for many people, that may feel like a negative comment, but for the more enlightened among us, it may actually be a positive point of differentiation.

Here’s my analysis of Donald Trump:

First, I respect what he’s done in business.  He doesn’t have a perfect record, by any means, but overall, he’s been wildly successful… to the point that his name is plastered onto opulent resorts all over the world, and to the point that you and I are discussing him as a serious Presidential contender.  Some people are critical of him because of some history with bankruptcy, but that’s not entirely reasonable.  Some of his companies have gone through bankruptcy, but he’s personally never done so.  And for those of you who view with suspicion the ability to go through bankruptcy and still come out the other side as a billionaire… just think back to a few minutes ago on this very show when you were shaking your head in agreement, thinking “wow, wouldn’t that be great if my assets were insulated even from bankruptcy”.  That’s what Trump has done… it’s what you should do, too.

Second, I respect his clarity of communication and complete disregard for political correctness.  For example, before Trump, nobody was talking with any strength about the threat represented by illegal immigration.  Everyone was too afraid of being called a racist.  Trump’s been called a racist as a result, too, and he simply doesn’t care.  He knows what he’s saying is true… and it resonates in America.  Frankly, the millions of legal immigrants in this country know he’s right, too… since polling clearly shows that Trump has an unprecedented level of support among legal Hispanic immigrants.  It’s really astounding.  You’ve doubtlessly heard the phrase about “Who’s going to be the bigger man?”  Well… it’s patently clear that Trump is perceived broadly as the bigger man… and he’s leveraging that rather expertly.

Third, I’m in awe of, and very concerned by, the fact that Trump defaults so quickly to personal attacks.  That’s worked for him really well for a very long time.  You may recall the famous interview Trump did with Larry King back in 1989 when Trump started the interview by telling King how bad his breath was… to which King replied “Now that’s how you get the edge.”  Trump is a tough negotiator and is willing to use any edge to increase his own, and I suspect that’s worked beautifully for him in negotiations.  But as a Presidential candidate, there’s got to be a little more than that.  Truth be told, I think there’s a LOT more to Trump than that, but I am concerned that he defaults to that too much.

Finally, I’m concerned that we don’t really know what Trump intends to be from a policy perspective, other than a few key issues he’s discussed, including immigration.  But my friends, I’ve got to tell you… part of me sees that as positive.  I don’t get the sense that Trump has any interest in being bogged down in the way things have always been done.  I think he actually does believe in his campaign moniker:  to “Make America Great Again”.  And while there’s room for Trump to be a dangerous figure as President, I think that it’s possible – I’m not yet certain, but it’s possible – that Trump’s interest really is to Make America Great again.  If that’s his intent… if he proves to me that’s what he really wants to accomplish… then I’m going to have a difficult time opposing him.

I want to reiterate:  I’m not a Trump supporter.  I’m really not.  But I’m open to being one.  He makes me nervous, but he makes me feel hopeful, too.

Do you know why I’m speaking to you like this about him?  It’s simple, really:  Trump is offering the one thing that EVERYBODY cries out for in one manner or another.  That one thing is LEADERSHIP.  Steel-spined, unequivocal LEADERSHIP.  The kind of leadership that says:  The thing that’s impossible without ME is totally achievable WITH me.  I don’t know if Trump as President could match Trump as candidate.  But with our alternatives, one is tempted to give him a try.

And my friends, this is neither a political show nor a political episode.  I want you to back up just a bit and look at this from the point of view of YOUR interests as a self-directed investor.  To a huge extent, your fortunes and my fortunes are tied up directly with the fortunes of this country.  The value of our real estate, the value of our currency, the value of our stock market… all of these things are – much to my chagrine and I know to yours as well – substantially and inexorably tied to policy that comes out of Washington DC.  And in recent decades, America has declined in its role as a world economic and military power.  America is no longer viewed as the obvious default choice for investors worldwide.  And why?  There has been NO Steel-Spined leadership.  There’s not been anyone, since the 80’s, who dared to represent America as a shining city on a hill.  There’s been no one who has even made a credible effort to tell the world that the way we do things in America is different, is better, and is all because of one thing:  FREEDOM.

Can Trump make this happen?  I don’t know.  I hope somebody can.  But one thing I know for sure:  Not even one other candidate is suggesting that they’ll really even try to do so.  But Trump is looming large with one and only real promise:  To make America great again.  That’s impossible to ignore… particularly for wise self-directed investors.


My friends, invest wisely today, and live well forever!

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