The Big Idea

Some people in Congress are very foolishly considering cutting your right to deduct contributions to your IRA or 401(k).  Here's why, and what we'll do about it...

Points To Ponder Some in Congress appear to be considering cutting the tax deduction for contributions to traditional IRA's or 401(k)'s President Trump wants to cut corporate and personal income taxes dramatically Some simpletons in Congress want to reinstate taxes on contributions to IRA's/401k's to "pay" for this tax cut This opinion reflects profound ignorance on the part of Congress, and those who demand "revenue neutral" tax reform Bryan doesn't think this will happen, but the fact it's being seriously discussed is of great concern Stay tuned to Self Directed Investor Talk for more instructions as this situation develops Resources Episode #265 of Self Directed Investor Talk is here Self Directed IRA's - Solo 401(k)'s - 1031 Exchanges -

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