What does the debt situation in Greece mean to Self-Directed Investors like you and me?  Should it change the way you invest here at home?  I’m Bryan Ellis, I’ll tell you the answer right now in Episode #99


Hello my friends.  Today’s topic is a little bit wonky, and I promise you right now that I will not bury you with too many facts and figures or archaic economic terms.  I’d really rather spend this time telling you about the great results our clients are getting, but I’ll skip that for now.


Folks, there’s a real crisis in Greece.  The bottom line is this:  That government has been spending money like it’s going out of style, and the growth of the economy simply hasn’t kept pace to justify it.  It’s a huge, huge, huge problem… and that’s putting it lightly.

This government debt problem in Greece is so bad that it’s literally altering the face of geopolitics as we speak.  Greece is the perfect picture of what happens when government gets too big, and tries to act more like a nanny state than a political organization.

Can you imagine that?  I mean, what if the government was willing to pay for everything for citizens from cell phones to high speed internet connections?

Oh wait, I’m sorry, that’s right here in the United States.  Now back to Greece.

But just a minute… there’s a lesson in the parallel between the debt situations of the United States and Greece… a parallel which is sobering and enlightening, if you look closely.

So here’s the thing about Greece.  Their national debt is presently 177% of GDP.  So, in other words, Greece owes nearly twice as much money as the total amount of every penny they produce every single year.  As a result, Greece’s debt payments are so high that the other obligations of the government – all of the ridiculous benefits they’ve promised to their citizens – simply cannot be satisfied.

Greece is broke.  Well, not true.  They’re far below broke.  The country is bankrupt.  And that is the natural end of the socialist policies that have been aggressively employed there.

But here’s the thing:  while Greece is a whole country, the fact is this:  In the grand scheme of the entire world, it’s not much.  Greece makes up about 1.8% of the Eurozone economy.  All of America’s exports to Greece amounts to a few thousands of one percent.  So the direct impact won’t be felt in America at all, and only as a nuisance in the Eurozone.

But still, there are two valuable pieces of learning that you and I as Self Directed Investors can garner from the situation.  And they are:

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