The last decade’s hottest investment strategy among individual real estate investors is dying a very rapid death. Find out what it is… and why it’s dying right now. I’m Bryan Ellis.  You’re listening to Episode #302 of the largest, fastest-growing self-directed investor podcast in America…


Hello, Self-Directed Investor Nation! Welcome to Self-Directed Investor Talk, the SHOW OF RECORD for savvy self-directed investors like YOU! 

Before we get into the thick of things today, I’ve got to ask you: do you THINK you really know the fundamentals of self-directed IRA’s? Do you really? Well if you DON’T know those fundamentals, you’re in luck. And if you think you DO know them… you may be having even BETTER luck. That’s because for a very brief time, you can receive FREE access to a very highly regarded $297 training program called the SDI Wealth Guide to Self-Directed IRA Fundamentals, available now at That video-based training is available to you right now… and in it, you’ll receive the unexpected… but TOTALLY accurate… answers to questions like: What is a self-directed IRA? What kind of self-directed IRA’s are available? What’s the best type for YOU? And are there any self-directed investing alternatives that are SUPERIOR to the IRA? So check it out now, because your status as a listener to SDI Talk gets you something very special: FREE access to this training – normally priced at $297 – just by visiting

Ok, my friends, this is episode #302, so all of the links and resources I mention in today’s show can be found, very conveniently, by visiting But I’d like to take about 20 seconds to express to you something kind of personal but very important, and that is that…

I have a sincere thank you for you people. As you know, I’ve been on hiatus from doing this show for some time. To be honest, I’ve been struggling with some pretty severe personal challenges, and my mind wasn’t where it needed to be to give you folks what you deserve in this show. But yesterday, the time had come to begin this show anew, and that’s why I want to thank you:  Yesterday, this show got HUGE download numbers, even though it was the first episode I’ve published in 6 months, and even though I did nothing to promote it. Still, you people downloaded this show en masse… and I’m so very sincerely, sincerely grateful to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Ok, let’s do this.

In the last decade, there’s been a dramatic rise in something known as “turnkey rental property investments”. This is a type of rental property investing made for people who want the money, but not the time commitments, of rental ownership.

The way it works is simple: If you buy a turnkey rental property, you’re buying more than just a rental property.  You’re buying the property itself, sure… but that property has already been renovated to rent-readiness. But there’s also been a tenant identified, qualified and moved into the property. And to top it all off, there’s a property manager already in place who is handling the entire tenant relationship so that you, as the investor, can just collect the checks rather than be a landlord… and it also gives you the ability to invest your capital into markets where it really makes sense to do so, rather than being limited only to investing in your own back yard.

So, a pretty cool concept… right? Sure is. With turnkey rental properties, you’re not buying a house, you’re buying an asset that’s presently producing cash flow.

As a side note, this is one of those places where I think the very famous book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki really painted too rosy of a picture. The message of that book is great: Invest in assets that produce cash flow. The secondary message is that real estate property is the best way to generate such cash flow. But the story seems to suggest that merely by owning these rental properties, you’re going to experience the theoretically possible cash flow.

It’s just not that way. I was having a conversation last night with one of my subscribers named David who has a vast array of experience as a landlord in multiple markets, and we were looking critically at how one might successfully manage a portfolio of properties from a distance. The conclusion is that it’s not easy to do, and merely owning properties – even good ones – is a long way from guaranteeing your success.

And that’s where the whole turnkey thing comes into focus. When you buy a turnkey property, assuming you’re buying a good property with a good property manager, then what you’re doing is acquiring a real cash-flowing assets… the kind that Kiyosaki praised so heavily in Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

And it’s that level of convenience and automated realization of profits that’s made the business of turnkey rental properties boom so heavily in recent years.

But there’s a dirty little secret in that business that the turnkey providers are really hoping you don’t find out: There’s a serious inventory shortage. That’s right… the turnkey people are having a really hard time keeping up with the demand for these properties because… after all… a key consideration is the ability to generate CASH FLOW from these properties. But as the PRICE of real estate has grown at a much faster pace than the attractiveness of turnkey deals is turning downward.

You need not trust me. Check out today’s page over at and you’ll see two very interesting links: One with the National Rent Index from Apartment list, showing national rents increasing at only 1.4% per year…

And then you’ll see the National real estate composite index from Case Schiller, which shows a national appreciation rate for actual REAL ESTATE VALUES of more than 3 times that… about 4.7% from July of last year to now.

So as real estate values increase at a dramatically faster rate than rental rates, what we have is a situation where it’s much harder for the turnkey rental property companies to mass-produce turnkey rental properties that offer an acceptable yield.

Now before you conclude that I’m suggesting that this isn’t a good time to buy rental properties, I’ll recommend you hang with me for a minute, because that’s not what I’m saying at all.

What I AM saying is that things are becoming much harder for the turnkey property companies, and so many of them are diversifying AWAY from turnkey properties – which is something that some of them know a lot about – and they’re jumping into offering other types of investments. Usually real estate-related, but certainly not similar to turnkey rental properties. Frequently it’s investments in international real estate in tropical locations… or maybe it’s opportunities to syndicate your money into the building of new entire neighborhoods or developments which will then be sold to other investors or home owners… or maybe it’s something wholly unrelated to real estate.

This stuff gives me pause. It’s not that there’s anything fundamentally wrong with any of that… it’s just that this almost inherently means that the turnkey company you’re working with is stepping out of their area of expertise and into a realm where they’re new to the game. And so that is something important and worthy of consideration where the safety of your money is concerned.

But far be it from me to say that it’s no longer a wise thing to buy rental properties today. It’s pretty much always a smart thing to buy strong cash flow. But there are a couple of distinctions now:

The first is that you’re going to find lower and lower inventories being offered by these turnkey providers. This is evidenced by your needing to be placed on a “waiting list” for properties… and by that wait being multiple months in duration. As such, you’ll find that when properties ARE available for investment, you’ll need to jump on them rather quickly.

Incidentally, we do have a few really great turnkey deals available right now, which you can see by visiting,

And the other distinction is this: There’s a huge difference between YOU finding rental property investments that make sense, and a turnkey rental property company finding a situation that makes sense. For you, you’ve only got to find deals one by one, or even if you’re deploying a lot of capital, still you only need a relatively small number of deals. But these turnkey people… a lot of them move 50-100+ properties per month… they’ve got to find entire swaths of geographic areas where they can get a large volume of deals on a recurring basis. The advantage is inherently with you, because you’re small, you’re nimble, and when an INDIVIDUAL great opportunity arises, it will make sense for you to pursue it, but not them.

So again, far be it from me to suggest that now is no longer a good time to acquire real estate cash flow. A good time for that is, approximately, ALWAYS.

Ok folks, that’s it for today. Hey… do me a favor, will ya? When you have a question about self-directed IRA’s, 401k’s, custodians or investment strategies, shoot them over to me at [email protected]... I’ll do my best to answer them here on the show for you.

My friends… invest wisely today, and live well forever!

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