Welcome, Matt Streck – Financial Advisor. For the better part of the past decade, Matt's been helping people manage their personal financial plan. And today we're gonna get his take on tips + advice for people just starting out. 


Questions discussed in this episode:  

- What are the most important things for somebody 18-25 to get right about their personal finances?  

- What are the biggest mistakes you see people make?  

- How can people start making progress on their own?  

- What are some of the biggest pains for people early on, financially?  

- What "personal finance" advice seems obvious to you now, but wasn't when you first started working in financial services?  


Matt's Book Recommendations:  

- The Richest Man in Babylon, George S Clason  

- Unshakeable, Tony Robbins  

- Power of Zero, David McKnight  

- The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham  

- Books by Peter Lynch  

- Atomic Habits, James Clear  

- Extreme Ownership, Jacko Willink  

- Thinking in Bets, Annie Duke