Seth (Lauren's Dad) and Lauren Marlowe (Praxis Alumna 2018). Lauren is a Praxis Alumna from 2018, who is a self-taught UX/UI Designer and just landed an awesome new job as a UX/UI Designer with United Airlines. 


Topics discussed in this episode: 

 - New job: what are you doing now, how did you land the job? Any hurdles going through the hiring process without a degree?

 - Let's rewind. When did it all start? The conversation about what to do after high school.

 - Was it all-at-once or a gradual decision?

 - Parent perspective, successful college opt out perspective

 - What were some of the biggest challenges you faced?

 - We've chatted about was the social acceptance – how did you approach that? Did this ever get easier? How?

 - What advice would you give to other parents?

 - What advice would you give to young adults out there about how to broach this topic with their parents?


Books mentioned: 

The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman - 

Stop Stealing Dreams by Seth Godin   


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