Discussed in this episode:

- When to follow rules on the job hunt and when to break them

- You get laid off today and need to replace your income ASAP – where do you start?

- The worst popular advice you see being promoted about the job hunt today. Hint: it's *not* a numbers game

- Costly signalling

- Why the normal hiring process isso ineffective

Interesting Statistics: 

- The average job opening attracts 250 resumes. It takes five to six weeks on average to get a job offer (https://www.ebiinc.com/resources/blog/hiring-statistics)

- Est. 150-250 job applications to be confident about getting a single offer (https://talent.works/)

- Average cost to hire an employee is $4,129 in 2020

- An average company loses anywhere between 1% and 2.5% of their total revenue on the time it takes to bring a new hire up to speed (https://toggl.com/blog/cost-of-hiring-an-employee)

- 54% of job applicants get rejected because their resumes aren’t tailored to the role they apply for.

- Average time to fill a role is 42 days

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