Promo Video:

It's that age-old, well-worn cliché: "music is the essence that brings us together".

Well, cliché or not, it couldn't be more accurate in considering this offering.

The last little period has not been without challenge: the dreaded lockdown—the second coming, as it were. We have been apart, away from the DJ booth, away from the dance floor, prevented from doing the thing we love: sharing our passion for the music for which we dig deep. Very deep.

In the spirit of breaking through these challenges, we've grouped together and constructed the second part of this little project: a concoction of sound, delivered by a selection of five like-minded individuals, separated by circumstance.

What we have here is, in essence, a DJ mix—a few clicks over an hour in length. Five DJs, three tracks a pop—one kicks off; the next joins... then the next... and the next.

Burners, killers, fillers, fresh cuts and perhaps forgotten Gems from the Attic—all delivered in one cohesive package.

It's us—Brendan Clay & Andrew Fazzolari—and we have, once again, placed ourselves in esteemed, incredibly talented company with this effort:

Gary Ward, Mark Cameron and Sim Maree are all highly-accomplished technicians and loyal supporters of our brand, who have graced our DJ booths with their presence at various times since Attic's inception in 2017. We'd love very much to enjoy those opportunities again soon! (For now, we have this.)

@andrewfazzolari @gary-ward @sim_maree

Make no mistake... this is a very Attic effort.

If you're still reading, it's probably time to press play.

We hope you enjoy!

Gems From The Attic 002: A Collaboration (September 2021)