A dream of Stewart's for 23 weeksDataconomyA week-long eventBerlin is opening up. With different rule changes every weekPrinceWhat the hell is the Badass Empire?I like pretty pictures. Nice fontJuicingWhen I'm gonna experience something, I experience"Beer is proof that God wants us to be happy." - Benjamin FranklinStewart's outlook on the state of eventsNo feedbackWho were the winners, who were the losers?Should we do this? What's the cultural impact?A box that squeezes a packetAugmented RealityThe Lightning Round

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Mental Health in TechA new personal trainer, a new therapistIs tech the problem?2x more likely to have suicidal thoughts3x more likely to have substance abuse issues10x more likely to have bipolar disorderAny regions? Positions?A mental health tip from Dan TaylorI hope Robin isn't listeningMental health tips from Stewart RogersBDNFMeditationRichard WisemanGo out into the park, brainstorm in natureStop multitaskingAsynchronous communications151Toboggan or Bobsleigh?Being an adultGate G15Bonus material

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