Greetings, Leaders.

Would you say you are a wise person?

Wisdom is one of the essential qualities we need as leaders who desire to live enriched and fulfilling lives and help others do the same.

Each day we face a multitude of decisions.

Our choices each day determine the quality of our days and the outcome of our lives.

I recently read that you and I make about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day.

A study by researchers at Cornell University indicates that we make 226.7 decisions each day on just food alone!

Wisdom gives us the ability to discern right and best decisions as we go on our journey.

The quotes such as "We are what we eat." and "As a person thinks in their heart so is he." are significant points to consider.

As our levels of responsibilities and influence increase, so the impact of our choices grows.

Why is wisdom so vital for successful living and leading?