Greetings Summit Leaders.

Summit is a destination we seek on our life and career journey. It is a place that we will reach. Our calling compels leaders to accomplish greater things by applying unique talents, skills, gifts, and imaginations.

Where are you in your life and career journey? This time can be the most exhilarating and exciting time of your life.
Planning and goal setting are the most exciting times for me. I love the opportunity to envision the impossible and see the unimagined as I look to ascend to the summit.

Consider great leaders and their accomplishments, study their lives and their responses and we discover some universal blueprints to success.

It all starts with belief. A person who believes can accomplish more significant things. The Summit Leaders I know all have this inner belief that they are here for such a time as this on their life and career journey. They have a vision.

1. Why is vision important?