Greetings! Leaders.

All of us have met people who are optimistic and positive about life even when things are not going well, or situations are becoming very stressful?
Many of us experience a family life that is so caring and supportive that it is apparent there is a special togetherness.
It's a beautiful thing to observe and experience.

Unity in a person, family or company is powerful!

It is possible to experience a life of peace, hope, purpose, fulfillment, and excitement resulting from proper focus and perspective in our thinking.

Unity within ourselves begins with how we think. As we focus our mind on things that are of good report, right, praiseworthy, honorable, lovely and excellent, we gain the benefits and positive effects on our bodies, our outlook, our interactions with others and decision making.

Our vision and perspective significantly influence our responses to life. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your vision is clear, your whole body also is full of light. However, when it is poor, your body is full of darkness.

Schedule time on your calendar each day for periods of reflection.