Greetings, Summit Leaders.

You have a personal pathway to becoming and achieving all you were created to accomplish.

Great leaders recognize this and are intentional in acquiring wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Wisdom serves as a trustworthy guide in the many decisions we face on our journey. Understanding helps us to make the right choices.

A new group of Summit Leaders named their cohort "Sixth Sense." Wisdom is similar to a spiritual sixth sense, which enables us to assess circumstances, understand people, and make the right decisions in life.

It is considered to be one of the most critical qualities one can possess.

A wise leader once said, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding."

In the first part of my career, say the first twenty-five years, I focused on knowledge with the belief that the more I knew, the more successful I could become. I dedicated myself to this but lacked wisdom and insight to make critical decisions.