Greetings, Leaders.

Be encouraged, my friends! Whatever you are experiencing at this time in your life is the preparation of your character for the dream you have for your future. Your perspective and willingness to change will keep you moving forward to your destination.

Consider both good and bad circumstances to be a test from which you will receive a pass or fail grade. Our attitude and response determine your advancement.

If I could turn back time to be beginning of my career and life journey the one thing I would focus on would be the development of "character."

Invest in the development of your character! If you are 10, 20, 30 or 70 years young it is always wise to invest in your character. Where your treasure is, your heart will also be.

In my forty years plus career journey, I have discovered that character expands my options and opportunities to serve and fulfill my destiny. Your character plus preparation equals expanded opportunities for greatness.

The journey to greatness as a leader always starts in the alignment of heart, thinking, and actions.

A Summit Leader recently shared his story regarding how after he introduced himself to a senior executive following a speech given to a group of new Summit Leaders. After a few minutes of conversation with a senior executive as he was getting something to eat and preparing to leave for the executive referred him to a hiring executive. Following a brief subsequent discussion, the Summit Leader suddenly is placed in his first principal role. As I listened to him recall the series of events, I thought of "character."

What could these executives see in only a few minutes of conversation?
Character counts, and it shows! That is why it so important to focus early as possible on building character.

In our blog published on March 28, 2018, called "What are you building as a leader?"

I highlight the need for having a strong foundation on which to build your life and career. Your character is a critical building block.

How do you discover if your character in misaligned with the person you were created to become and the leader who experiences greatness? For me, I found that who I was on the inside reflected most during times of high pressure.

I call it the fiery trial of testing. We know that purification of precious metals such as gold requires high heat to remove the impurities — the trials and testing only last long enough to accomplish the transformation needed to move ahead.