Greetings, Summit Leaders.

Be encouraged that you are here for such a time as this! We are expanding into new and fruitful territory.

Occupying and enjoying your place and time requires discipline and focus. Otherwise, we could lose this great opportunity.

Here are some valuable insights for us to keep in our minds.

Everyone wants to make an impact on their life and career journey.
The great leaders are always checking where they are on the journey.
They take time to reflect on past victories, lessons learned, and insights gained as they begin to assess the next steps forward.

Someone suggested that I consider writing a purpose statement for my life and career.

I decided to write out a purpose and vision statement for my life. At first, I resisted the idea.

I thought "I know what I need to do. Why bother writing something down?"

To my surprise as I thought about the lives of great leaders I admired most I discovered they all had a thoughtful purpose statement.

Great leaders are clear on why they are alive and their motivation for accomplishing the tasks ahead of them.