Greetings, Leaders.

Be encouraged! You can be fruitful in all seasons of your life and career journey.

Expect, anticipate and prepare to be productive in every season through the applications of principles we learn in life.

Last week we talked about the spring of life when one is full of energy and zeal for the journey and adventure ahead.

Today, we find ourselves in the summer season. What should our approach be?

We should be about investing our skills, talents, and gifts in serving, sowing and giving ourselves to helping others.

Extend your reach to include family, friends, colleagues, clients, and the poor.

The ants give us a great example to follow. The life lesson from nature says, "go to the ants and emulate their ways and become wise.

They have no ruler or governor to make them work. They labor hard all summer, gathering food for winter."
An ant is industrious, focused, dedicated and disciplined. What life lessons can we learn from the ant and the farmer?

Great leaders are listening, learning, living, leading and looking for the outcomes of a life well invested.

They are listening for the messages from nature, learning from them, living them out on a daily basis and looking

expectantly for a return from their service and labor.