Have you ever experienced a great come back? Listen to the short biographical quotes and envision yours.

A leader stands in front of the team and talks about their future, what they can become if they work together, care for each other and give their very best. The team goes on to win the championship and repeatedly does it again. A business rises from being considered dead to regain its position of leadership in the industry. A small number of believers returns to their homeland undertaking the impossible task of rebuilding their city walls for protection. They complete the work in a record fifty-two days.

However, in every account, each group experiencing the greatest comeback of all time faced challenges that were insurmountable and threaten the existence of the team. In spite of the impossibility, they achieve some of the greatest comebacks in history.

History can provide clear insights that help us more fully understand outcomes and gain wisdom found in observing the lives of teams, groups, and companies.

Here are examples of three great leaders who experienced great comebacks and the three characteristics of making a great comeback.