Greetings, Leaders. 


Are you facing challenges, difficulties, or fantastic opportunities now?


Now, know that your faith is your most important attribute.

Faith is the most important thing you can receive for accomplishing everything you are created to be and do in life and career.



King David began his relationship with God as a teenager and became the greatest king ever. Thankfully, he journaled his journey in life and career. Now, we can learn from his example.


He writes from years of testing his faith in God.

"Once, I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread." Psalm 37:25

Someone asks;  


"When you were twenty-three years old, how did you handle all the pressures of life?  


I listened as she explained her circumstances and desires.

Like mine at twenty-three, her emphasis was on what "I" could do.


I shared this truth with her.


"God does not intend for His children to accomplish anything in our strength. But by His Spirit within us."


God has providentially provided all we need for success in life and career.

We receive all we need by trusting Him and His promises. 


King David experienced many victories in his life because He trusted in his God. He writes, "Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you." Psalm 37:5


The key is to keep our faith focused on God and His promises.  


The enemy attacks us in our minds by saying, 

"You are not good enough."


The testing of your faith requires we keep our focus on God and NOT our circumstances or our feelings.


 "How can you have such strong faith?"


First, he affirmed aloud, "I refuse to doubt the living God!" "I trust you, LORD!"

Second, he meditated on God's promises to him throughout his life.

Third, he obeyed God and focused his faith on God's faithfulness to him.


On September 18, 2001, I was praying for my fiancée, who was experiencing tiredness and shortness of breath for weeks.


I came to this promise; "Nevertheless... I will heal my people and let them enjoy abundant peace and security." Jeremiah 33:6


That same morning, she enters the hospital. The doctor pronounced this message. "You need a heart and lung transplant or death."  


Another doctor says to me, "You may want to reconsider marriage, because there is a high probability she will not make it through the treatment process."


I sat alone in a room at the hospital. I prayed, "Father God, I know what You said. But You hear what the doctor says. What is Your Word to me now?"

I see and the Word and date, September 21, 2001.  

"Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."


What happens next is miraculous. My fiancée received a miracle! 

Heart and lungs healed, and no transplants are required!

Today, my wife and I recall and rejoice because of His victory over twenty-two years ago!

 "For nothing will be impossible with God." Luke 1:37


He will not fail you!

