Greetings, Leaders.


You impact the world as you go on your life and career journey.

Your potential is far greater than many of us imagine. I pray you will embrace all the possibilities ahead by following the example we see in the life of King David.


Why is it important to recognize your potential and exercise your faith? The combination empowers us to go farther, accomplish more, and find the greatest fulfillment in life and career.


Accomplishing much requires a combination of attributes, all working together to shape and empower us to do more than we can imagine.


Consider these three steps as you prepare yourself to reach your full potential.


Reflect on your journey. Take time to think about your life and career.  

Do you have a vision? A vision comes to us from our hearts.  

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Proverbs 4:23


What is in our hearts and thinking will manifest in the overflow of a vision.


As a person thinks in their heart, so they are. Our mindset, actions, and circumstances result from our thinking and vision.  


I believe this is why King David, one of my most admired leaders, prayed to God and asked; 

"May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my Rock, and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14


Rehearse the process. Take time to examine the process for victories won thus far. Usually, you will recall someone who providentially comes at just the right time with the help you need to overcome challenges and move ahead to accomplish victory. 


Think for a minute about someone who came into your life and career at just the right time to give you help, a word of encouragement, and wisdom to overcome the challenge you were facing.


I recall, early in my career journey in 1978, I was on the verge of being fired and unaware of what I needed to do. I was afraid. Hiding in our office storage room, my friend Bill came to me and asked, "Tony, what are you doing here?" My response was, "Bill, I don't know. I am not sure what to do?"


Bill said, "I have something for you that will help you." Several days later, he brings me a little book. I began to read it and discovered a new perspective and pathway. The insight from the book gave me exactly the light I needed to emerge from the dark place of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. I see this quote I highlighted twelve years ago on December 1, 2011; "On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul." King David, Psalm 138:3


 Faith and work unite to accomplish fantastic results. The two combine for "Reaching Your Full Potential in Life and Career!"


Rely on God for everything. In King David's life, we see someone who focuses on their heart and correct thinking. His thinking results in a God-given vision for his life and his discovery that everything he accomplished would come from his trusting relationship with his God.

King David shares this insight.

"The LORD will accomplish what concerns me. Your lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting. Do not forsake the works of Your hands." King David, Psalm 138:8


My friends, the pathway to becoming and reaching your full potential is yours and mine for asking, obeying, and believing.

