Greetings, Leaders.


I have good news to share today!


You are victorious! How do we see this come to pass in our lives and careers?

First, we must recognize that we battle daily in our minds, thinking, and attitudes. Once we understand the nature of the battle and take action, we will win. We fight from victory, not for victory, is the mindset King David exemplifies while still just a young shepherd boy.


This morning, he obeys his father and delivers food to soldiers fighting a war. His brothers are part of the army, and his father is eager to learn how things are going.


Little does David know that this morning, he will face the giant Goliath, who continually taunts the army and has everyone in complete fear of him because he is over nine feet tall, massive in stature, and trained from his youth to be a warrior. Who can stand against an enemy like this?


While everyone was afraid, David, a youth, volunteered to fight the champion, Goliath. Everyone, including the current king, sees this as an impossible assignment but agrees to let David take the initiative.


With just his shepherd staff, a slingshot, and five smooth stones that he picks from a nearby stream on his way, David takes action to fight a seemingly unbeatable foe.


What can we learn about leadership from the life of David, a shepherd who becomes a warrior on this eventful day?


David saw the nature of the battle. The soldiers saw a giant, while David imagined a slain taunter of men. Vision is essential in a leader.
David has the conviction. This day he will prevail over Goliath and be victorious.
David is courageous and recalls the faithfulness of his God when he faced a lion and a bear as the shepherd protecting his flock. David said, "The LORD who rescued me from the lion's paw and the bear's paw, He will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine." (Goliath) 1 Samuel 17:37
David is confident, and his faith empowers him to take action. He depends on the God he knows from the shepherd fields to give him victory.


David's faith had some experience behind it. We all face our bears and lions – battles on our life and career journey. The problems can be life-changing as our Goliaths, our challenges that need dealing with almost daily.


David's humility equips him for victory, while Goliath's pride positions him for destruction. "Before destruction, man's heart is haughty, But humility goes before honor." Proverbs 18:12


What is the outcome of the battle?


"David took out a stone from his bag. He put it in his sling and swung the sling. The stone flew from the sling and hit Goliath right between the eyes. The stone sank deep into his head, and Goliath fell to the ground—face down." Samuel 17:49 ERV


What battle are you facing today in your life or career? Victory is yours!


Your faith is the key to living victory to victory. David likely recalls his God-given victory over Goliath when he writes, "Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly." Psalm 5:3 NLT


Whatever you are facing, be encouraged that your victory is assured. Do not be afraid; have faith like David, take the shot in faith, and wait expectantly for your success.


David accumulated many victories as long as he focused on his God, who never fails, and so it is for us!

